I am so happy...so very happy.. last week, Tuesday I keluar makan dengan husband I and then dia kata, dia nak belikan I beg..I kata, “tak payah la (konon nak cover and tunjuk humble kan...), I dah banyak beg and banyak yang tak pakai”.. Dia kata tak apa dia nak beli jugak..Dia kata lepas makan terus pegi..I kata tak nak I nak sembahyang dulu (dah dekat maghrib), furthermore I nak tukar baju, takan I nak pakai macam nak pegi pasar malam ke KLCC or Pavillion kan.. So lepas makan both of us balik rumah, sembahyang and tukar baju.
Sambil siap-siap, sempat lagi I surfed kat internet and tengok ada tak Burberry kat Pavillion and on which floor. I dah set in my mind that I want that brand although I dah ada satu masa beli kat Heathrow’s Airport which was about 6 years ago..(lama tu). I don’t know why but I suka design and the pattern, nampak sungguh classic but with a touch of class, conservative pun ada jugak. Not only that, jacket/baju dia pun I suka. Anyway, sampai situ both of us terus pegi kat that place and I look around and saw one that caught my eyes. Ada banyak design but I prefer the classic one because it will never go out of date and akan jadi vintage. But I was undecided at first and I like the sling one but at the end I went for this one.
Our sales guy were so kind to us and give us a lot of info and which beg that I should choose. He was polite and very attentive too. I kalau dah berkenan, ambik je and tak banyak pikir/kerenah.
While browsing around, I noticed one lady with her “friends” sibuk la ke hulu hilir try one bag after another and sales guy pun ikut sekali nak melayan dia... Kejap-kejap dia duduk sambil belek-belek beg ke apa then dia hilang.. ingat dia dah keluar, tiba-tiba dia muncul balik.. “Friends” dia ikut dia merata-rata even masa dia bediri depan cermin sambil menyandang beg beg kat situ. She was around 50’s. So as we were paying, she was still there with her little “entourage” and a very patience sales guy.
Then we went to one place that I was eyeing on before we went to Burberry boutique. I dah lama cari Lulu nie.. actually I was looking for Lulu Guinness but this one is Lulu Australia. Sampai situ mata I dah rambang tak tau nak pilih yang mana... then husband I suggest yang blue/pink “Tassled Bowling Bag”. So I ambik yang tu.. ohh..it was so beautiful. I love the design so much. Then I tertarik with another one and husband I suruh ambik satu lagi, bila I tanya ada yang baru..that sales girl kata..dia orang jual satu je kat situ..so I mintak HQ punya address.. I bet mesti banyak lagi design yang lebih menarik kat HQ tu..
Sambil siap-siap, sempat lagi I surfed kat internet and tengok ada tak Burberry kat Pavillion and on which floor. I dah set in my mind that I want that brand although I dah ada satu masa beli kat Heathrow’s Airport which was about 6 years ago..(lama tu). I don’t know why but I suka design and the pattern, nampak sungguh classic but with a touch of class, conservative pun ada jugak. Not only that, jacket/baju dia pun I suka. Anyway, sampai situ both of us terus pegi kat that place and I look around and saw one that caught my eyes. Ada banyak design but I prefer the classic one because it will never go out of date and akan jadi vintage. But I was undecided at first and I like the sling one but at the end I went for this one.
Our sales guy were so kind to us and give us a lot of info and which beg that I should choose. He was polite and very attentive too. I kalau dah berkenan, ambik je and tak banyak pikir/kerenah.
While browsing around, I noticed one lady with her “friends” sibuk la ke hulu hilir try one bag after another and sales guy pun ikut sekali nak melayan dia... Kejap-kejap dia duduk sambil belek-belek beg ke apa then dia hilang.. ingat dia dah keluar, tiba-tiba dia muncul balik.. “Friends” dia ikut dia merata-rata even masa dia bediri depan cermin sambil menyandang beg beg kat situ. She was around 50’s. So as we were paying, she was still there with her little “entourage” and a very patience sales guy.
Then we went to one place that I was eyeing on before we went to Burberry boutique. I dah lama cari Lulu nie.. actually I was looking for Lulu Guinness but this one is Lulu Australia. Sampai situ mata I dah rambang tak tau nak pilih yang mana... then husband I suggest yang blue/pink “Tassled Bowling Bag”. So I ambik yang tu.. ohh..it was so beautiful. I love the design so much. Then I tertarik with another one and husband I suruh ambik satu lagi, bila I tanya ada yang baru..that sales girl kata..dia orang jual satu je kat situ..so I mintak HQ punya address.. I bet mesti banyak lagi design yang lebih menarik kat HQ tu..
On the way back to the car... I smile from ear to ear and I was so quiet. I tanya husband I, surprise kan bini you senyap...dia kata...yeah he noticed... I said..that because I’m so happy..look, look at my face I’m smilling... He said.. good and he will buy more just to get that smile from me....ahh..thank you love... :)
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