Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wo and Me Episode 28

(Again Wo duduk sebelah Daddy and I sebelah Mummy.  Tension-tension.  Tengok la kita orang asyik pakai baju yang sama aje.  Mummy and Daddy, bukan main lagi melaram.  Sampai hati wakaka...)

One night before Christmas, lampu clip clip yang Daddy gantung two nights ago kat tingkap, di nyalakan. Both of us were so excited. And petang tu both of us dah jemput kawan-kawan sepermainan sebelah menyebelah untuk datang ke rumah and sibuk la kita orang bagitau kalau datang dapat goodie bag, hebat la konon goodie bag tu kan..hehe.. Mummy susun goodie bag dalam bakul and siap pesan kita orang, one person, one goodie bag and one topi kertas yang berbentuk kon itu and it is only for kids. Sesambil tu, kita orang tengok tv that shown Christmas movie, black and white. I lupa cerita apa. Mummy sibuk di dapur prepare sikit-sikit apa-apa untuk di masak pagi-pagi esok. Selesai part tu, Mummy start keluarkan pinggan mangkuk and susun balang-balang biscuit. Mummy tak isi or simpan biscuit dalam balang tu sebab dia takut masuk angin. Oh yeah, two days ago dorang letak hadiah bawah pokok Christmas tree. I dengan Wo sibuk la belek-belek and goncang-goncang. Sepesen je. We couldn’t figure what it is. I asyik tanya, apa dalam ni Mummy, Mummy kata surprise la, ini la itu. Dalam hati I pikir nie mesti toys tapi Mummy kata no more toys sebab kita orang dah besar.

Sebelum masuk tidur, Wo mintak permission dari Mummy nak bawak susu and candies ke bilik. Mummy tanya kenapa, Wo kata untuk Santa Claus bila dia datang bawak hadiah tengah malam, masa kita orang tidur. And Wo kata dia nak bagi Jesus Christ sekali (Wo kecik-kecik dah menampakkan kealimannya haha.. tah mana-mana dia dapat idea nih. I nie ikut je. Bila tulis nie, sengih-sengih I teringatkan kisah kita orang nie hehehe.. Wo and her theory ahaha..) Mummy said ok. Then kita orang letak kat side table sebelah katil. Bila Mummy dah keluar dari bilik, I tanya Wo, macam mana Santa Claus nak masuk kalau rumah kita tak ada chimney, Wo kata ikut pintu atau tingkap. I kata pintu Mummy kunci and Santa Claus mana muat ikut tingkap sebab perut dia buncit, Wo kata Santa Claus boleh masuk. I kata kalau macam tu, Santa Claus nie macam pencuri la, Wo marah I hehe.. Sebelum tidur, Wo ajak I wish kat Santa Claus and Jesus Christ. I pun wish la mintak jadi pandai and cantik wakaka.. (memang ya pun I pandai, pandai merapu, as for cantik, adeihh hai..muka penuh tahi lalat wakaka..) I tanya Wo, dia wish apa, Wo kata dia wish macam-macam, I tak ingat, tapi I ingat dia pun wish pandai jugak.

Bila time nak tidur, I bagitau Wo, I tak nak tidur, I nak tengok Santa Claus and Jesus Christ makan candies and minum susu yang kita buat. So malam tu, I terkebil-kebil menahan ngantuk, bila nak terlelap I cepat-cepat bukak mata balik. A few minutes later, I dah tak larat, I cakap dalam hati, nanti tengah malam mesti mata I terjaga. Bangun pagi-pagi I tengok, eh, kenapa susu penuh lagi and candies macam ada orang dah usik tapi I kira sama je macam semalam (bila dah besar baru I tau, rupanya Mummy and Daddy punya kerja, Wo yang bagitau). Wo tanya I ada ke nampak apa-apa malam tadi, I kata macam ada je tapi Jesus Christ tak minum or makan dia floating aje (pepandai la I tipu-tipu berimaginasi sendiri haha..).

Di luar sana terdengar Mummy dah mula busy dengan menghidangkan berbagai juadah and I tengok balang biskut telah Mummy isi. Mummy susun kek yang telah Mummy potong cantik-cantik di dalam pinggan sesambil tu Mummy panggil kita orang suruh mandi. Lepas siap-siap mandi pakai baju. Daddy ajak kita orang bergambar kat pokok Ru kebanggaan family itu. Lepas sibuk berambik gambar, I dengan Wo dah siap-siap bukak pintu seluas-luasnya and terjengau-jengau tunggu kawan-kawan kita orang nak datang. Mummy kata, it is still early in the morning, dorang baru bangun tidur and nak mandi lagi. So kita orang on tv and on lampu clip-clip sesambil tu makan biscuit sikit-sikit. Tak lama kemudian kawan-kawan kita orang pun datang. Sibuk la I dengan Wo nak bagi goodie bag tu and ke dapur tolong Mummy bagi dorang minum air gas.. wow.. we were so excited!! seronoknya tak dapat I gambarkan dengan perkataan. Rasa macam famous and penting sangat kita orang masa tu hehe.. Parents dorang pun mula datang. Bila parents dorang usik-usik mintak goodie bag, I tengok muka Mummy. Mummy kata, dorang main-main je.. fuh lega.. hati I, sebab kalau boleh, I ndak sangat goodie bag nie ada extra sebab sepeket for me tak cukup. Then kita orang sibuk belari-lari kat luar sambil tiup belon etc.

(Some of the friends, duduk, Rusilawati, Nazatul Isma ke Intan, I, Wo tengah dokong Shapirus, Danny and Iskandaruddin)

Petang tu, ada a few uncles (not related but daddy’s colleague and we are asked to call uncle or auntie for non malay, pakcik or makcik for malay) and brought more candies. I dengan Wo sibuk la nak bukak and bagi-bagi kat kawan-kawan but when we tasted it, it feels weird. Mula-mula tu ok but bila sampai kat tengah, gula-gula tu dah rasa payau and we quickly puked it out. I masuk rumah and tanya kat Mummy, gula-gula apa nie and suruh Mummy rasa. Bila Mummy rasa, cepat-cepat Mummy mintak balik and tanya whether we give to kawan-kawan lain. I cakap kita orang bagi, Mummy kata suruh dorang buang and I dengar Mummy bisik kat Daddy. Daddy tergelak, la rupa-rupanya gula-gula ada alcohol, no wonder la rasa semacam aje. Mummy sangat marah and bengang. Mummy berleter kat Daddy. Mummy tanya Daddy siapa yang bawak. I tak ingat uncle yang mana satu. Then kita orang keluar and main balik dengan kawan-kawan kat luar and I suruh dorang muntahkan balik gula-gula tu. Bila dorang tanya kenapa, I kata gula-gula tu untuk orang besar aje.

Anyway, kawan-kawan Mummy and Daddy datang non-stop siang tu and petang another group of their friend’s came to the house. Sesambil dorang berborak, lagu-lagu 70’s yang tengah hit memenuhi ruang tamu. Bone M maaa… I dengan Wo nak tengok tv pun tak dapat and we decided to main kejar-kejar kat luar. Bila dah malam, semua orang dah balik. Mummy panggil kita orang masuk sebab nak bukak hadiah. We were so excited. Finally, saat-saat yang ditunggu tiba jua. I bukak kertas present dengan penuh rakus and bila I tengok eh, kotak kasut bata. Ini mesti kotak je kot, dalam mesti ada something special. Bila I bukak and check ke dalam kotak aje, it is true, kasut sekolah brand bata and gula-gula shape orange. Wo pun dapat hadiah yang sama. I was so frustrated. I kata, apa nie bagi hadiah kasut bata. I rasa sangat sedih and ada sendu dalam tiap patah perkataan I. I never expect it to be that, at least anak patung ke kan… Mummy and Daddy, marah I balik, dorang kata nanti nak pegi sekolah ada kasut sekolah baru. Wo, pujuk I penuh lembut, Wo kata dengan lenggukkan kepala sambil memeluk kasut bata colour putih itu “tak apa Dek, next year kita boleh pakai kasut baru yea. Kan cantik and baru nie hadiah kita”. Wo dari kecik sampai sekarang adalah seorang yang mudah adapt in any kind of situation, unlike me. Wo mudah berpuas hati and mempunyai sikap yang so easy going. Wo are so easy to please. Wo memang cool dari kecik lagi (baru I notice akan sifat-sifat Wo yang memang telah sedia ada bila I tulis nie). Perlahan-lahan I pujuk hati I yang hampa and bagi senyuman tawar. Dalam hati I berjanji pada diri sendiri, bila I dah besar and kaya I akan beli toys sebanyak-banyaknya and tak mau kasi satu pun kat Mummy and Daddy.. wakaka.. kecik-kecik dah simpan niat jahat ahaha..

Esok tu ada sorang kawan tanya, apa hadiah yang I show off kat bawah christmas tree. I pun cakap dengan senyuman manis (tapi dalam hati mencebik hampa), kasut bata. Budak tu tekejut, kasut bata. I kata iya, tak pe la, untuk I pegi sekolah next year. Petang tu, kita orang visit rumah kawan Daddy yang berbangsa serani and dorang kasi Wo dengan I hadiah anak patung soft toy yang sangat cool dan besar. Muka depan muka girl toy tu menangis and muka belakang girl toy to senyum ketawa. We were so happy and start dari hari tu, I kepti soft toy tu mana-mana I pegi. Wo punya soft toys, bersih and kemas, tak macam I punya. I siap conteng-conteng lagi rupa toys tu after a while. Then I basuh balik tapi still ada bekas-bekas magic pen. Rambut soft toy I pun messy, getah rambut tah hilang di mana.

A week or two later, we start simpan balik christmas decoration yang sungguh hazab itu. Pokok Ru yang dalam rumah kita orang, terus mekar subur sampai mencecah siling. About a month later, we through it away not before Mummy nangis-nangis sebab sayang kat pokok Ru, pokok Christmas hiasan hazab kesayangan keluarga…..

When I look back of all the memories of every Christmas that we ever had, this is the best Christmas celebration ever and one that I shall never forget. I’m glad at least I got to feel the spirit of christmas or should I say a piece of heaven, surrounded by people that I know who care for me back then. I wish I can turn back the clock and be that little girl again, who has no worries in the world, whose heart is pure and not corrupted by anything. I wish all of us are together. A wish that I know can never be fulfilled. Have you guys ever thought or have our sweet memories cross your mind, sometime? I love you Wo, Mummy and Daddy, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wherever all of you are in the world.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wo and Me Episode 27

(Gambar nie di snap, rasanya di pagi Christmas, tengok la rambut I, Mummy siap blow dry lagi hehe...Masa nie I tengah sakit hati sebab I nak bergambar sebelah Daddy tapi Wo dah chop dulu, sebelum gambar nie di snap oleh tripod, Wo sempat lagi, dengan action cakap, yay..Wo bergambar sebelah Daddy, geram I masa nih hehe... Daddy senyum-senyum bangga sebab anak dara dia berebut nak duduk sebelah dia. Mummy pulak menjeling kat kita orang. Oh, Christmas tree (pucuk pokok Ru kebanggaan keluarga wakaka...)

Hello, ingat lagi akan kisah Wo and Me, well.. I'm back with this special story....

Ah! Christmas datang lagi. I have lots of fond memories about my Christmas experienced and I really would like to share some of it with all of you. It is not that I admire Christmas since now that I’m not a Christian anymore but that is who I am, part of my history. I guess some story are worth to be told and the story that I’m about to tell you is one of the most memorable ever in all my Christmas history. And of course, nothing can top the story where the starring role are Wo and me hehe.., Mummy, Daddy and the rest are the guest star.

I remembered a few weeks before Christmas, Mummy dah mula sibuk check buku-buku resepi (especially biscuit) yang dia kumpul or cut off from a newspaper where she paste to her scrap books over the years. Then Mummy akan ke supermarket beli planta, ghee minyak sapi, gula, tepung, manik-manik gula untuk hias biscuit etc. Petang-petang or malam, mula la Mummy menjalankan activity raksaksanya itu. I dengan Wo selalu sibuk nak join in tapi Mummy tak kasi. Tension tau. I merengek mintak tepung yang Mummy dah uli and sibuk la nak tekan acuan. Kadang-kadang Mummy kasi chance and suruh kita orang letak manik gula kat atas biscuit but most of it masuk kat mulut I. There are times, Mummy suruh letak kismis or cherry merah/hijau kat atas biscuit yang lain pulak. Bau biscuit harum semerbak and bila dah keluar dari oven, Wo and I akan rasa sebijik dua. Mummy tanya sedap tak, I dengan Wo of course kata sedap. To us, semua yang Mummy masak sedap. Dalam banyak, banyak biscuit yang Mummy buat, biscuit yang paling I suka and my favourite is biscuit makmur…. Sedappp.. Every Christmas, Mummy mesti buat biscuit nih, oh and biscuit tart nenas. Kira biscuit wajib.

Bila dah nak dekat-dekat Christmas, Mummy lagi busy. That is the time Mummy start buat kek pulak. I tengok Mummy buat kek sangat leceh. Masa tu tak ada mixer and Mummy kena guna pemukul spring yang guna tangan. Penat I tengok. Lepas tangan kanan, Mummy guna tangan kiri untuk memukul. Kadang-kadang Wo dengan I sibuk nak tolong dia pukul-pukul. Mummy kata nanti mesti penat, tak lama, I kata I nak jugak. Mummy give up and bagi kta I. Tak sampai 5 minit I dah penat. Then Mummy cakap, kan Mummy dah kata hehe..Lepas tu turn Wo pulak pukul-pukul and mula la Wo buat lama dari I, show off as usual hehe.. Wo memang tau. Not only that, Mummy tak guna gula halus, instead Mummy guna gula biasa and tumbuk dengan lesung batu sampai halus (sekarang nie, I wonder why Mummy tak guna gula halus or gula caster eh?). Seingat-ingat I, Mummy guna planta instead of butter. Kadang-kadang aje Mummy guna butter. Anyway, masa yang Mummy ambik untuk buat kek lama and I yang tengok and tunggu pun penat. Lepas Mummy abis gaul, pukul semua ramuan, this is the time that Wo and I tunggu-tunggu. Bila Mummy dah abis masukkan kat acuan tin kek, sibuk la kita orang nak mencolek lebihan bancuhan kek tu, kadang-kadang Mummy colekkan kat jari dia and bagi I jilat. Berebut-rebut I dengan Wo sapu keliling mangkuk tu. Lepas Mummy masukkan kat dalam oven, sibuk la I dengan Wo tunggu. Bau kek yang Mummy yang dalam oven semerbak membuatkan I dengan Wo tak sabar-sabar nak tengok hasilnya. Kejap-kejap kita orang tanya, Mummy dah masak ke kek tu, etc. Mummy kata belum and nanti Mummy bagitau. I dengan Wo and terjengau-jengau tengok kat luar cermin oven, Mummy dah siap-siap warning jangan bukak pintu oven. Bila dah siap and Mummy keluar dari oven, apalagi Wo dengan I, sibuk la nak rasa. Actually, kita orang bukan ndak sangat makan kek or biscuit tapi sebab excited tengok cara-cara Mummy buat. Menyibuk je kan. Tapi makan kek panas-panas sedap dan gebu. Then Mummy tanya lagi, sedap tak, Wo dengan I macam biasa akan kata sedapnyaaaa (nya tu kena panjang), then Mummy kata eleh, sambil tersenyum simpul.

On the weekend pulak, all four of us, Mummy, Daddy, me and Wo akan ke emporium sebab nak cari hiasan or accessories for Christmas tree. Dulu Daddy ada beli Christmas tree tapi yang plastic and kecik aje, tinggi betis. I dengan Wo tanya Daddy tak beli ke Christmas tree yang tinggi. Daddy kata nanti dia cari. So masa shopping for the accessories tu, Mummy and Daddy aje pilih. I dengan Wo sibuk pegang-pegang benda-benda kat situ. Mummy and Daddy tak beli banyak pun, cuma a few aje. Tension je kita orang. Sibuk la tanya apa hadiah dorang nak bagi kat kita orang. Mummy kata diam-diam, kalau nakal and gaduh-gaduh with each other, hadiah tak ada. So during the week or two weeks before the event, I dengan Wo make sure kita orang tak gaduh-gaduh. Kālau gaduh-gaduh we both make sure that it would not gaduh yang kuat-kuat sebab tak nak Mummy dengar.

A week before Christmas, Daddy balik bawak pucuk pokok Ru hidup. I dengan Wo tekejut yang amat but both of us were so excited, menjerit-jerit and melompat-lompat kegembiraan. I dengan Wo siap peluk-peluk lagi. Kita orang tak tau pun yang Daddy plan nak pakai pokok Ru kan wakaka.. Ingatkan nak guna pokok Christmas plastic yang cenonet tu. Mummy pun tekejut sama and tanya, macam mana Daddy boleh potong pucuk pokok Ru and tak ada orang nampak ke. Mummy kata, kang kena tangkap. Daddy, kata ah.. don’t worry. Mummy and Daddy pun siap-siap cari pasu and I can’t remember which one of them turun bawah ambik tanah. All I know is that night, pokok Ru telah siap-siap dimasukkan ke dalam pasu. So malam tu, the four of us mula la menghias hias pokok Ru kebanggan keluarga hehe.. I dengan Wo kalau tak gaduh-gaduh manja tak sah, kadang-kadang mana yang Wo dah gantung or I dah gantung, both of us akan tukar position. Tapi tak best la accessories tak banyakkan, kapas pun Daddy suruh letak sikit aje.. dia kata kang kalau kita orang luka mana dia nak cari kapas nak lap-lap letak ubat… apara punya alasan kan… I ambik kapas sikit, sesambil tu I try letak kat atas bibir nak buat moustache haha.. Oh yeah, sesambil kita orang hias-hias, Daddy pun pasang cassette (I know zaman retro cassette.. haha..) lagu Christmas. Wo dengan I sibuk la nyanyi sama. Tengah kita orang nyanyi-nyanyi, Wo suh I dengar lyric lagu “I, saw mummy kisses santa claus”, dendangan Michael Jackson. Bila I dengar, I kata, a’hah la Wo, then sibuk la I tanya, kenapa mummy dia cium santa claus and siapa la santa claus tu, daddy dia tak marah ke. Wo pun buat la andaian, maybe just kiss kiss pipi biasa and sibuk la I tanya Mummy, kenapa mummy dia cium santa claus la bagai.. Mummy kata tu daddy dia dress up as santa claus. Baru la hati I lega. Anyway, semua lagu Christmas kita orang boleh hafal without lyrics. Sampai sekarang I ingat semua lagu-lagu Christmas.

Two days before Christmas, Mummy dah start tukar cushion cover, tukar langsir baru and Daddy bought lots of soft drink, beers and all kind of alcohol beverage, macam-macam nama. I dengan Wo pulak bila tengok air gas that’s it, mula la merengek-rengek nak minum air gas. Mummy and Daddy warning siang-siang, kalau nak minum air gas kena mintak permission kat dorang dulu. Kalau tak ada kawalan ketat dari dorang, satu hari, satu kotak air gas definitely kita orang boleh habiskan. Petang before Christmas, Mummy dah start buat goodie bags untuk di beri pada anak-anak neighbour yang akan datang bertandang. Mummy letak sweets, belon getah, belon yang ada straw kuning, small toys etc. Sibuk la I and Wo nak join in and nak tolong letak-letak. Kita orang mintak sepeket kat Mummy. Sebelum bagi, Mummy pesan, sepeket sorang aje, lepas nie tak boleh ambik lagi. Kita orang pun promise (yela tu.. masa tu je).

One night before Christmas……. (to be continue…)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Reality Show (that I watch) – End of Season

The X-Factor UK/US
I was so happy because my ayam tambatan, Little Mix won The X-Factor UK 2011 Season 8. It was the first time that a group become a winner and on top of that a girl group. The moment they announced the winner, kakak nie pun menjerit kegirangan hehe… I started following these series from season 6 and 7. Had I know that it had been shown from 2004 (first X-Factor UK), I would have watched it. I know some might say I’m too old for these kind of reality show whose follower are usually are a kid or teens. But hey, age and for the love of music/song has no boundaries regardless how old you are. Let just say darah seni di dalam diri ini sentiasa membara and there is no sign of stopping anytime soon kui kui kui. Itu belum lagi I nak review pasal SYTYCD or DWTS hehe.. Nevertheless, I’m happy with the result. So, it’s the end of season 8. Oh I can’t wait for 2012, next season.

About The X-Factor US, which is currently ongoing right now, semi final, I was so sad and cried when last week, saw Rachel Crow my cutie pie, ayam tambatan was eliminated from the competition. She has the likeable personality and not too mentioned how talented this kid is. Her voice, omg, amazing. She is just 13 years old. Nie semua kerja si Nicole S yang bodoh tu. Apa guna jadi judge kalau you can’t make up your mind or decide and that you need somebody else opinion. Bangang and sungguh drama queen yang overacting. Kejap-kejap nak nangis when it was time to decide who should leave. Ngada-ngada, everything has to be about her, kekonon tak sampai hati la tu, podah… people can tell whether it is genuine or fake la. Hari-hari terakhir The X-Factor US bakal suram tanpa dapat menyaksikan buah hati I, Rachel Crow nyanyi. I was never this sad before when my favourite’s kalah ke or kena eliminated but this time siap bergenang air mata I and berhari-hari I sedih tau. Masa dia nyanyi for survival song (sebelum judges decide) she made the audience, plus me and the judges to tears that is how good she was. Sungguh touching and buat bulu roma I meremang. Masa announced dia dapat the lowest vote and out of the competition sebab si bang**g tu tak dapat decide and bagi deadlocked, Rachel terkejut and terduduk. Then mak dia belari dapatkan dia and dia meraung-raung menangis. Oh.. luluh hati I menyaksikan saat itu. What do you expect she’s a 13 years old girl. Budak-budak kan honest, apa yang dorang rasakan, dorang luahkan terus and tak ada hypocrite. Malam tu, I dengan husband I tak tidur sampai dinihari (ya, the pakcik yang buta seni nie bukan main lagi bagi dia punya opnion, berapi-api lagi menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hatinya. Berjaya jugak I menarik dia secara perlahan-lahan ke dunia I hehe… Husband I nie senang je nak influence muahaha..) sebab asyik discuss pasal kes nie and sesambil tu I surfed and baca-baca comment orang yang mengutuk si Nicole drama queen tu.

A day or two later, I have to accept that is her fate. You see, betapa affected nya I. Alahai.. kakak korang nie kan.. But I’m sure she will have a bright future in the industry and I came across a few stories about her being approached by the Disney people. Yes, way to go Rachel.

Young Apprentice UK
Semalam was the final of Young Apprentice UK nih. Young Apprentice UK nie untuk budak-budak remaja around 16/17 years old. (Oh yeah before this I dah tengok Junior Apprentice UK, not bad and very entertaining). Best sebab dorang nie walaupun muda but their vision and aspiration are very high. Task yang di beri pun bukan calang-calang and sama macam task untuk The Apprentice yang biasa kita tengok selama nie. Orang yang lebih berusia dari dorang pun easily boleh kalah. I was so impress with their performance (not all though) and no wonder la some of anak-anak omputih nie cepat matang and more advance dari kita nie. I dengan husband I dah agak si Zara Brownless nie memang akan menang in comparison tu mamat yang minat bidang economist tu, James McCullagh. Sebab mamat nie one thing tak nak dengar orang punya opinion although it can be useful sometime because he’s taking the risk but still, Zara memang patut menang and dapat the 25,000.00 pound tu.

The Amazing Race Season 19
Both of us are so happy that Ernie and Cindy won this season amazing race. Bila nampak Ernie and Cindy nie belari kat finishing line. I apa lagi as usual siap menjerit tepuk tangan hehehe… I memang support this team sebab dorang jarang or tak argue langsung. Beside Cindy nie is the brain (bekas A student and beside she is Asian hehe.. yea I bias) and sangat driven.

America’s Next Top Model “All Stars”
ANTM this season penuh dengan some controversy and of course cat fight sekali kan. To tell you the truth, I don’t enjoy yang this season because muka-muka yang compete nie dah basi, yela kan kita dah pernah tengok dorang nie before this, so there is nothing new or fresh. Kira yang bertanding nie hampeh je la kan. Challenge pun kureng, tah la macam tak kena je. But I was so happy that Liza D’ Amato won for this season because I suka dia punya personality yang sungguh crazy itu. Dia tak ada la cantik or that kulit dia semacam je but she is one of my favourite’s. As for Angelea Preston tu, I memang nyampah kat minah sekor nie, she was so defensive and kejap-kejap ngamuk and tak nak kalah pulak tu. Kurang asam pun iya. Lepas tu perasan bagus aje. Kālau la personality dia menarik, sure I suka kat dia jugak. Oh during the final judgement tu ada controversy sebabkan she was supposed to be the top three alongside Lisa and Allison Harvard, si mata besar yang cool itu. It is still unknown why Angelea was not on the final judging. Ada a few rumours I baca but kepastiannya masih tidak diketahui. I hope the mystery will be reveal someday.

Project Runway Season 9
Tengah I surfed around about two weekes ago, I realised that I missed Project Runway Season 9 latest. How can I miss one of my reality favourite show nie yang dah habis? Oh, this can’t be happening. So cepat-cepat la DL and I refrain myself from surfed around on the news because I don’t want to know who is the winner. Tak syok la kalau dah tau, there will be no surpise anymore kan. So I make sure I tak tersalah masuk fashion website ke.

So last week I tengok marathon dari first episode of the season 9 nie sampai finale. Berhari-hari jugak I nak abiskan, satu hari, dua tiga series I tengok sekali. Maunya tak pening kepala I kan. Kadang-kadang husband I join in bila dia balik dari kerja. Mostly, I sorang-sorang je. And I’m happy to tell you that Anya Ayoung-Chee won, she is my one and only favourite during this season 9. She is so talented and she just learned how to sew about 4 months ago. Oh, she was also a Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2008. She is so cool, calm, relax, personality dia sungguh-sungguh mempersonakan and the way she dress up sangat la hip nya. Tapi sexy la kan. Well.. she has the body, why not show it to the world. Baju-baju yang dia designed are awesome.

Si gay Josh tu punya la dengki and sakit hati kat dia each time she won the prize and top 3 winner for the challenge, bukan main lagi mamat nie menyumpah-nyumpah, dengan mata-mata and gelekkan kepala, kutuk-kutuk dia. Ah, sungguh diva lalaki itu. Anya tau mamat nie panas hati kat dia masa dia menang challenge and dapat duit, tapi dia cool aje and still talk to him and peluk-peluk lagi.

(“Anya was a contestant on Season 9 of the American television show Project Runway.[2] Despite learning to sew a few months before the show began,[3] she placed in at least the top three of most of the challenges, and eventually won the competition on October 27th 2011. Through winning the competition, Anya earned $100,00 from L'Oreal Paris to begin her own line, Pilar. Not only that, she also was featured in a fashion spread in Marie Claire and received a $50,000 technology suite by Hp and Intel for the chance to design and sell merchandise, as well as a parthership with If that wasn't enough, Anya was voted the fan favorite for a Twitter contest and received another 10 grand.[4]” from

Ingatkan Anya tak dapat masuk final sebab on the last show masa dorang nak kena tunjuk kat fashion week, hers was the lowest one by the judge but kalau dah nasib nak menang, judges decided bagi dia masuk final. So instead of top 3, jadi top 4 kat fashion week. Oh, during one of the series dia hilang duit masa tengah shopping nak beli kain kat mood but she wouldn’t the challenge too dengan kain yang tak cukup and kena bleach kain yang untuk patung, menggunakan segala technique dan kepakaran beliau.

Well, season 9 nie is one of the most interesting series in Project Runway series.

Sekian review I yang panjang lebar pasal reality show yang telah tamat for the season and I telah tengok for 2011. Survivor and The X-Factor US Season 1 are coming to the end soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Andaiku Pergi Dulu

A few days back, we went out to have our dinner/my berbuka puasa. I tak masak hari tu because we need to buy something beside tak buat marketing lagi. Masa masuk kat cosy house, I tengok ada sorang pompuan and budak pompuan montel cute sitting next to our table. From the moment I sit on my chair until the food arrived, the lady and I presume her daughter or adik ke, kept on starring at me. I don’t know whether I should smile or not, you tau aje la kat KL nie lain sikit tak macam kat bandar-bandar kecik lain. You senyum kat orang tu tak semestinya orang tu senyum balik. I stared blankly back at her although I saw a hint of smile on her eyes. I don’t know how to react to that. I told my husband and asked him to look, maybe to sedara I ke or anybody that I know but I totally forgotten about it. Oh my memory is very poor, don’t forget that. Husband I pun notice both of them asyik-asyik pandang I aje. I nak berborak or makan pun rasa uncomfortable. Any food yang sampai kat meja or how I eat pun both still look at me. Lastly, I buat tak tau, as if dorang tak wujud and I dapat makan and berborak dengan selesa.

Dalam perbualan pasangan season yang sentiasa asyik mashyuk ini, I tanya husband I, betul ke kalau you mati and I kahwin lain, bila kat akhirat or masuk syurga (hopefully), kita dua tak akan berjumpa? I told him, I pernah dengar a few times masa I kerja dulu from my colleague. Husband I kata, he is not sure. Then I cakap, bukan ke kalau kita kat syurga we can ask anything we want, including if we want to see each other? Mr Know All I itu pun tak terjawap. Then I cakap, kalau dia mati, I tak nak kahwin lagi sebab I tak nak tidur dengan laki lain. I kata kat dia, semua laki kat dunia nie tak akan tahan or sanggup hidup dengan I because you are the only human being yang boleh tolerate I. Kalau I happened to kahwin lain pun it wouldn’t last long. Husband I cakap dia pun tak nak kahwin lagi sebab there is only one me. And dia hairan kenapa senang-senang aje orang kahwin cerai. I kata bukan senang-senang sayang oii. The reason was maybe sebab dorang tak ngam and it’s not their soulmate. Then dia kata, maksud dia, lelaki yang dah berpuluh tahun hidup with the same bini and bila bini dia mati, dia kahwin lain.

I kata, there’s a lot of reason maybe sunyi ke etc. But dia menambah, tak kan lupa pada kenangan lalu masa pasangan itu hidup and also kalau kita cinta kat orang tu setengah mati, tak kan senang-senang je boleh beralih cinta pada orang lain? I kata, mungkin dorang fall in love lagi sekali and it is not possible to fall in love a few times in our life, some people fall in love sekali and some boleh fall in love banyak kali. Then I cakap, definitely, ramai pompuan ndak kat you, sebab you lelaki yang sangat baik and sangat gentlemen. Dia said nope and that his character might change and he may not treat the same person like he treat me. I kata, offcourse, you will stay the same, character kita tak akan berubah and we tend to be the same. Dia kata, it will, because different partner have different character that can bring something else out of us. I kata, not me and I bagi contoh for example, when I live with you, my life style is flexible and you let me get away with anything. Whether I nak masak, kemas rumah, basuh baju etc. or tak nak, you tak kisah and you tak pernah paksa or even ask me to do it. But imagine kalau I dapat laki yang asyik nak menguli I or kemas rumah hari-hari, I may not want it and I tak sanggup and I’m not used to that life style. Whatever I want to do in the house is up to me. How else they call it Queen of the house kan? I might memberontak kalau kena paksa buat something yang I tak ndak. Kalau dari muda kahwin with the same person, he can mould me but kalau dah tua-tua and dah hidup berpuluh tahun dengan the same person and suddenly, he passed away and then I start balik kahwin dengan umur yang dah tua nie, I can’t change. I want the same thing or benda yang regular yang I buat hari-hari when I was with you. And the new guy has different character because no human being has the same trait as the other person.

Lepas discuss panjang lebar pasal hal nie, both of us jalan-jalan and masa on the way turun escalator, I tak perasan but masa kita orang masuk kat coldstorage supermarket, husband I cakap, budak montel cute yang dengan that lady tu tengok-tengok I lagi non-stop. I kata, biarkan la. Nak kata I pakai lawa-lawa, alahai, sempoi yang amat. I pakai jeans, t-shirt and not to mention selipar jepun aje except for the bag. And as for the make up I pakai lip balm and eyeliner. Rambut pun I biar serabai macam minah rock lapuk. So you see, how selekeh I am? And why the heck are they still starring at me?

On the way nak ke parking lot, I sambung kisah pasal mati and kahwin lain. The other reason I tak nak kahwin lagi selain dari I tak nak tidur dengan laki lain (yela tu, tengok ber threesome pulak wakaka.. nauzubillah) was that, I tak nak harta sepencarian kita akan jatuh kat laki baru I (wah, siang-siang dah ada candidate laki baru hehe..). Bukan la sebab banyak harta or kaya-raya, not at all but I’m talking about our kereta buruk and a house that we bought. I don’t want, husband I penat-penat kerja berpuluh tahun, alih-alih somebody else claim that is harta sepencarian bersama if I happened to bercerai with the new guy kan? I would be happy to give it all to my husband’s anak buah or charity. Back to our earlier conversation about lelaki yang mati bini, kahwin lain. I cakap kat husband I, ada jugak laki yang mati bini tak kahwin-kahwin sampai tua, contoh, Mustapha Maarof. Bini dia lama dah mati tapi dia tak nak kahwin sebab dia cinta mati kat bini dia. Husband I cakap dia pun akan macam tu should it happen to him. So kalau each of us leave each other first, we wouldn’t get married again but I told my husband, if you want to get married again, go ahead, don’t worry about it. He said, no way, I’m his soulmate and his only love. Yela tu, tengok-tengok sebulan either each of us kojol, adalah pulak Raja Sehari kerepot tersipu-sipu duduk bersanding di atas pelamin dan diringingi lagu-lagu Selamat Pengantin Baru dari Saloma. Yang lelaki siap dye or gelapakan balik rambut yang dah putih and yang si pompuan sedaya upaya pakai make up tebal nak cover kesan kesan penuaan di muka wakakaka…

Masuk dalam kereta, husband I cakap, dorang yang tadi tu pandang you bukan apa, sebab you look like a celebrity. Ah sudahla… I look more like one of a survivor’s contestant yang dah berminggu tak mandi and tak makan kat some deserted island.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meeting Vagg, Gab and Afi

Last Friday Vagg, Gab and Afi datang sini sebab Vagg ada urusan. They stayed at Eastin Hotel PJ. A few weeks before that, Vagg had informed me and both of us arranged the best time for us to meet up. Before meeting them that Friday, we ate a little bit (alas perut) since the meeting was after Friday prayer. So after solat Jumaat husband I ambik I kat rumah and off we go to the hotel, kes memonteng la nie hehe. We were lucky because tak jam and around ½ hours dah sampai kat area tu but not before husband I missed the lencongan for 2 times.

Sampai kat bawah hotel, I smsed Vagg and she told me to wait for a while since Afi just finished doing his “business” hehe... Bila ternampak aje dorang kat bawah, we quickly hugged each other. Afi sudah besar and sungguh cute sekali. Dagu runcing macam ibu dia. Kulit putih melepak and licin. I rasa macam nak geget aje pipi dia. Tapi takut ibu dia pulak mengigit pipi I yang telah mengendur ini huhu..

We went to One Utama to have our late lunch. As usual, tempat yang crowded and parking always full but luckily we found one spot. Turun ka shopping area, we went to look for “Johnny’s Restaurant”. The reason why I brought them to that restaurant because I remembered long time ago when Vagg and myself used to yming each other, I asked her which food/restaurant that she would like to go/eat and she told me Johnny’s. There are things that I never forget although I my memory is quite bad. Puas la jugak cari tempat tu and we asked around. Kesian Vagg and family kena menapak and I bet they are quite tired since baru sampai pagi tu.

Masuk je terus order makanan and berbual-bual mesra diselang-seli dengan ketawa ria. Afi sungguh lincah and geram I, rasa macam nak kidnap aje. I suruh husband I bawak Afi jalan-jalan. He needs the exercise hehe… Then both of us bawak and tengok-tengok kan dia kat luar. Adeh boleh tahan penat melayan budak-budak nie, ndak-ndak orang yang dah “matang” macam both of us wakaka…

Lepas makan, kita orang jalan-jalan nak balik ke parking but tak semena-mena sebelah gam kasut I terbukak. Mula-mula ingat nak beli kasut baru but since dah nak balik, so I told my husband tak payah je la. Although, it was so uncomfortable. Tak lama kemudian gam kasut satu lagi pun terbukak. Ah sudah! So dengan kedua-dua tapak kasut I terbukak-bukak tiap kali melangkah, I gagahi jua. Then I decided to stop over kat one stall to buy some drinks for all of us. Tiba-tiba I tengok, eh apa kat kasut Gab, macam ada terlekat kertas panjang aje. Rupa-rupanya, stripe kasut dia terbukak wakaka.. Lepas tu dia tarik stripe kasut dia and buang. Kelakar betul la kita orang nih hehehe… Lepas tu, we sent them back because malam tu Vagg ada meeting/discussion with her friend. On the way nak balik I ambik Afi duduk dengan I kat depan since dia sungguh curious about everything. Oh dia sungguh manja, senyap tapi sungguh active. Biasalah budak-budak during that age especially kalau baru “dapat” kaki. Me and my husband sungguh happy melayan dia. Kejap-kejap I cium pipi dia yang macam putih telur rebus itu.

Lepas hantar dorang, me and my husband couldn’t stop talking about Afi. I rasa tak puas berjumpa and berborak dengan dorang and I miss them badly right now. I hope to see you all soon, insyallah next year we plan to visit you guys.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Masakan Orang Berpuasa Bukan Dibulan Puasa

(Mee goreng dengan taugeh, selalunya I guna sayur)

I kan sekarang nie tengah puasa, bukan puasa ganti atau puasa sunat. I just nak puasa sebab firstly, I nak mengawal segala perlakuan dan offcourse nak pahala. Secondly, sebab I nak kurus and also nak jaga kesihatan sebab walaupun badan I tak berisi masa I check up long time ago kat clinic, doctor cakap I punya cholesterol is very high. So that is the reason why I puasa. Lagipun I rasa sungguh gembira bila I dapat memakai jeans or baju size S. And also I rasa sungguh confident and no more low self esteem.

(Lontong - yang nie bukan lauk berbuka tapi yang I masak last weekend)

So talking about makanan berbuka, hari-hari I masak but each time I makan, I rasa lauk sangatla masinnya although husband I kata, tak masin or sedap je or cukup rasa. I don’t know why, maybe my tastebud berubah due tu puasa. But I make sure, I mesti makan kurma for berbuka and also sirap yang husband I buat. Sebab dia buat sedap and I selalu cakap, besar pahala buatkan air or makanan untuk orang berpuasa. Apalagi dia, bukan main suka bila I cakap macam tu..hehee.. husband I kan kadang-kadang macam budak kecik. Kalau I puji, fuh..perasan bukan main lagi lepas tu senyum-senyum malu la konon..

(Mee sup, I letak wonton)

Anyway about the makanan berbuka, like I said, I masak almost everyday and macam-macam menu I try sebab I teringin nak makan semua benda… Nampaknya tak turun la berat badan I. Husband I pun sibuk la suruh masak nie, masak tu, macam dia yang puasa. Tapi dia kata kat office dia tak makan (dia tak balik tengahari bila I puasa) and seluar kerja dah longgar. I tengok sama je. So bila time berbuka, I tak makan banyak sangat tapi husband I makan macam perserta survivor, kalau ada kambing panggang seekor, sure 3/4 tu pegi kat pinggan dia. Bila dia baru rasa sikit je lauk (belum telan lagi tu), dia dah geleng-gelengkan kepala siap pejamkan mata and cakap masakan I paling sedap dalam dunia sambil nafas dia turun naik haha.., lepas tu dia cakap, Chef Ramsay pun menggigil hahaha, melampaukan... Lepas makan, mula la I sibuk makan macam-macam kudapan such as kerepek la… cookies la.. Husband I pulak akan sibuk suruh I rasa perut dia sambil suruh I cucuk perut dia dengan jari I, sebab dia nak bagitau yang dia kenyang and perut dia keras… tah apa-apa tah theory dia. Kalau tak layan I rasa berdosa la kan. I kata no problem, tapi I tak nak cucuk dengan jari, I nak cucuk dengan hidung I sesambil tu I bukak mulut besar-besar nak gigit perut dia. Cepat-cepat dia lari hehe.. tau takut...

(Kurma Telur)

I rasa seumur hidup I and lepas kahwin nie, sekali je I pernah buat kurma, tapi kurma ayam. But hari tu I try buat kurma telur. Alahai seronoknya sebab jadi and yang penting rasa mesti menepati selera I and my husband. Dia makan non-stop and I was so happy. I puasa-puasa nie rajin try menu-menu baru atau yang jarang dibuat. I rasa bila time puasa baru makan teratur sebab kalau tak puasa, I malas nak masak tengahari and makan mee maggi aje atau makan junk food.

(Tauhu Sumbat)

Minggu lepas, I teringin nak makan tauhu sumbat. I tak pernah buat eventhough it was so easy. I teringat the first time I rasa tauhu sumbat yang Mummy buat masa kat Singapore dulu. I rasa wow, sedapnya and I ingat lagi muka Wo yang tersengih-sengih girang (dengan giginya yang sumbing akibat terantuk masa meluncur kotak dari bukit itu) sambil mengunyah tauhu sumbat Mummy. I dengan Wo siap melompat-lompat kegembiraan. I dengan Wo kejap-kejap cakap, best Mummy, best Mummy. Mummy tersenyum-senyum kat kita orang. I think that was the first and the last Mummy buat kot. I tak ingat la. Mummy memang pandai masak, apa-apa yang dia buat semua sedap. Wo kata I mewarisi Mummy. Tapi husband I kata, I tak mewarisi sesiapa, husband I kata I memang talented, gifted and bidadari yang diturunkan pandai segala-gala untuk dia..wakaka..(I tau I pun nak muntah type nie tapi betul dia cakap macam tu, tak caya tanya dia). I akan kata, ish tak ada laa... biasa je.. (cewah, rendah diri). Lagipun I bukan pandai masak pun, boleh la sikit-sikit and yang simple aje. Mungkin pada dia sedap, pada orang tak. Sama jugak dengan I, maybe masakan orang tu rasa sedap tapi pada I tak. So hari tu, I pun try la buat tauhu sumbat. Like I said it was so bloody easy. And I don’t know why I tak pernah buat before this. Healthy pun iya jugakkan.

(Kek Oren atau Orange Cake)

Ingat tak I pernah cakap I nak buat kek or muffin or cupcake, tapi tak buat-buat sebab malas? So for the past few days I surfed through and cari-cari apa kek I nak buat. Furthermore, lepas berbuka mesti tengah-tengah malam teringin nak makan macam-macam bende. Dua hari lepas, I came across this resepi yang sungguh simple dan mudah nak buat. I selalu jenguk-jenguk website My Resepi nih. Hari tu lepas solat asar, dengan penuh semangatnya I bangkit dari kemalasan yang berpanjangan dan terus ke dapur. Masa tu I tak sure akan jadi ke tak sebab I bukannya pandai buat kek or pastry ke. I cuma berdoa dalam hati, mintak-mintak jadi. Nak buat tersangatlah senang and bahan-bahan pun dah ada. I kurangkan gula caster sebab tak nak manis sangat. Bila keluar dari oven, oh.. I’m so happy sebab rasa sedap, gebu dan perfect. You all should try it, ok this is the link( Trust me.. mesti puas hati. It is going to be my favourite recipe and mudah untuk diingati.

Sekian kisah masak memasak orang berpuasa di bulan yang bukan ramadhan.

Note : And I rasa sungguh bersyukur walaupun I puasa and tak sahur, sekali pun I tak pernah kena gastric. Puasa is so miracle and I’m blessed. Thank you so much Allah and syukur Alhamdullilah (rasa macam setazah la pulak hehe..).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kisah Cinta Dengan Perfume La Kan...

(Gambar sebelah are some of the perfume yang I tak buang-buang lagi botol perfume yang I dah habis guna, on which I akan buang sebab menyemak aje. Some, I gave away, some, I tak sempat guna or I dont like the smell and dah rosak. So I gunakan untuk sembur bilik mandi).

I have been wanting to write and share about my love story with perfume for a very long time. In fact I wanted to share it in my previous blog. But I never got the chance to do so until now and I don’t know why.

Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my first encounter with a perfume was when we lived in Singapore. I ingat lagi Wo and me akan curi-curi guna perfume brand Topaz Mummy when Mummy went out to do her marketing. Wo akan sembur sikit-sikit but not me, I akan sembur kat kiri kanan tengkuk I automatically. Bila Mummy balik dari marketing, tau aje dia kita orang dah guna. Dia tak marah tapi dia tanya (actually guessing accuse la tu), “hah.. guna pefume Mummy eh….?” I cakap, “spray sikit aje, eh macam mana Mummy tau?”. Mummy bagi warning sign dengan jari telunjuknya.. “hah”. I dengan Wo yang tersenyum guilty lepas tu cepat-cepat lari.. hehe… Sekali sekala, I akan spray perfume Old spice Daddy (adooii..nampak sangat akan betapa retro nya I..), oh I love that 70’s iklan.. and also iklan perfume Charlie’s.. best tau… I ingat lagi iklan Old spice, lagak sorang lelaki surfer pakai short putih tak berbaju, buat somersault with his surferboard and background ombak and as for iklan Charlie tu, perempuan rambut orange bejalan-jalan dengan penuh kegembiraan, kegirangan dan free sambil tu kejap-kejap laki berpusing kepala tengok dia and theme song keep on saying Charlie, Charlie….

Bila I meningkat remaja, cinta I kepada perfume tak pernah padam. I akan beli yang jenis spray perfume dalam tin, ala yag murah tu. I spray banyak-banyak kat badan or baju tapi frust sebab dalam masa sejam bau dah habis. Al maklum la beli kat supermarket kan. Kelakar bila ingat balik. Bila I dah start kerja, I masih lagi beli perfume dalam tin, mana la mampu nak beli yang mahal-mahal beside tinggal kat Sarawak kita orang tak expose and tempat tinggal pun bukan bandar besar masa tu. Masa tu I tak tau perfume yang branded branded nih. Gradually, I start beli perfume yang dalam botol tapi brand tah apa-apa and pun murah je, made in mana I pun tak pernah perasan tapi bau bunga-bunga rose. Bila pakai je, tak lama kemudian kepada I dah start pusing, pening ala ala mabuk laut. Kadang-kadang both Wo and me would go to supermarket yang ada section perfume eau de toilette (nak menyebut pun tak tau) and I start try and smell a few. Bila bodyshop bukak cawangan kat the only shopping complex (yes the only shopping complex masa tu), kita orang akan masuk sekali sekala and try try bau tapi kadang-kadang jenguk dari luar aje, sebab malu, nak beli tak mampu although it was not expensive. Gaji masa tu tersangat la ciputnya. Sedih pulak ingat kisah dulu-dulu. Tak sanggup nak cerita kisah kisah dulu nih… sedihh oo…

One night tu, I keluar “date” but more as a friend date with my friend (now my husband ler..). Masa tu tak couple lagi but goodfriend. We would meet up with each other everyday and itu belum lagi termasuk bab-bab bergayut kat telephone lagi. Tapi both of us sudah suka yang mendalam towards each other tapi belum sampai ke tahap cinta. We are so comfortable with each other that, kita orang tak kisah kalau kutuk mengutuk each other tiap kali bejumpa. So anyway, that night or two nights before Christmas, si dia ajak I keluar (both of us masa dating dulu pakai smart-smart, rambut I, siap I set tinggi-tinggi and kembang-kembang ikut time tu hehehe… Sekarang nie kalau dating macam nak pegi pasar malam atau pegi Giant je). On the way to the restaurant, dia suruh I tengok apa kat belakang seat kereta. Dia kata, dia ada beli jersey and suruh I tengok and comment. I pun ambik paper bag and dia suruh I tengok kat dalam. I cakap dalam hati, eh, besarnya kotak siap wrap lagi and then I tanya, eh, jersey dalam kotak and kenapa bau sedap? Dia suruh I bukak wrapping paper tu. I pun obediently bukak and I still tak paham what is he trying to tell me. Bukak aje wrapping paper, I tengok ada tulis Ralph Lauren kat kotak. I tanya balik ada jersey brand Ralph Lauren. Dia tanya, eh tak pernah dengar brand nie ke. And dia suruh I bukak. I bukak aje, I tengok ada perfume Lauren by Ralph Lauren empat segi colour chocolate and a bottle of lotion. I cakap eh.. nie perfume and lotion not your jersey. Dia senyum and cakap, it is for you. I was so shocked. Tak pernah dalam hidup I orang belikan I perfume and branded pulak tu. I cakap thank you thank you banyak kali. I rasa macam nak peluk and cium aje pipi dia sebab excited (bukan sebab stim) but I didn’t do it since he was my boyfriend and we’re just a goodfriend. Kālau dia boyfriend I masa tu pun I tak sanggup nak cium pipi dia yang mengerutu itu wakaka.. jahat I kan..hehehe.. or silap-silap kena tendang keluar dari kereta yang sedang bergerak, mana la tau kan. Well.. beside sifat-sifat wanita ketimuran masih menebal dalam diri I tau….

Dia tanya lagi, tak pernah ke dengar brand nie. I tipu, I kata ada la jugak but I’m not sure or jarang dengar. Padahal I tak pernah pun dengar. And yes again, that is the biggest surprised and the best gift ever from someone. I pun spray kat tengkuk sikit and I sapu lotion tu sikit-sikit kat tangan I. Oh, harum semerbak. I cium tangan and botol perfume tu non-stop and I couldn’t stop smilling. Dalam kesamaran malam, dalam perjalanan ke restaurant, disimbahi cahaya lampu jalan dan lampu kereta, I lihat senyuman di wajahnya yang sekali sekala menghala ke jalan, senyuman yang tidak dapat I lupakan hingga kini, senyuman malu tersipu-sipu seorang lelaki melayu yang penuh sopan, senyuman yang penuh dengan kepuasan kerana berjaya membuat kejutan besar untuk I, senyuman yang sarat dengan perasaan yang mendalam dan lirikkan mata yang mendamaikan, membuatkan jiwa I resah dan berbunga ria. Dalam diam hati I berbisik sendiri, oh, lelaki ini sungguh hebat dan menawan. And for the first time in my life, I rasa sungguh dihargai. Perasaan sayang dan malu yang bercampur baur perlahan lahan menyelinap di hati I masa tu. Pandai dia beli jiwa I. I tau kisah nie dah lama, but I tak pernah lupa that moment. Antara saat terindah dalam hidup ini... feeling feeling lagi ekeke….

The next day, kita orang jumpa lagi and dia cakap, seumur hidup dia, dia tak pernah tengok orang suka sangat macam I bila dapat hadiah dari dia. Dia kata, kalau dia tau that I’m that excited dia akan belikan I something that is more special lagi. I kata, hey! that is the best thing anybody ever did or gave me. A few nights later, on New Year’s eve, dia belikan I another perfume, this time Poison by Dior dengan sabun sekali. Memang rasa macam kena racun aje bila I spray kat badan I sebab bau tersangat la kuat and I hate it but I didn’t tell him hehe… From that onward cinta I pada perfume terus berkembang segar hingga sekarang, siang malam lepas mandi I mesti sembur kat badan.

Note : Lepas kita orang couple, I bagitau dia malam tu masa dia bagi I that first perfume in his car, I was so excited rasa macam nak cium aje pipi dia. Dia reply, nape tak cium aje, I kata, you gila..haha…

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bola, MCM dan XFactor

Petang semalam husband I balik cepat so we decided to watch episode Vampire Diaries yang tertinggal kat tor… Tengah syok-syok tengok tiba-tiba I terbau something yang menyelinap kat hidung I. I pandang dia, dia tengok I dengan penuh tanda tanya, I pegi kat dia, I cium-cium, rasa macam ada bau tapi lepas tu hilang lenyap. A few minutes later, I tercium lagi bau and this time memang betul dari arah dia. I pandang dia balik, dia tanya, kenapa? I cakap, eh, you hidup lagi eh? Ingat dah gone sebab you dah start berbau ahahaha.. Husband I bangun and dengan tesipu-sipu dia cakap dia mungkin terkentut tanpa sedar, yick.. apa la husband I kan… Then kita orang tengok jam, eh bola dah nak start, apa lagi cepat-cepat tukar remote.

I was so happy that Malaysia (Harimau Muda) won against Indonesia last night. Actually, I tak ada la tengok sangat sebab kalau I tengok mesti I stress and tak dapat bernafas. I sangat patrotic and I’m glad that sekarang nie kita dah tak macam dulu lagi..dulu boleh la dengan sikap “its ok, tak apa”, but now, kita orang dah tak tahan asyik kena hentam and pijak dengan korang. What have we done that make you guys hate us so much? Nak kata tak bagi bantuan, each time ada kecelakaan kat negara korang, we all la yang the first one to hantar bantuan. And on top of that korang la yang beduyun-duyun cari rezeki kat negara kita orang and still tak puas hati lagi? Apa hal?

So, sesambil tengok bola, I sempat lagi tengok MasterChef, well..mana boleh tinggal walaupun kekadang I meluat tengok kan.. I don’t know la.. ingat tak I support Chef Riz yang image nya tercalar a week or two ago? I rasakan makin lama I tengok dia, makin hilang integrity dia pada pandangan I. I rasa macam… I don’t know la. Ok enough about it, past is past. Best jugak tengok Ary Malik buat pastry cake etc.. although dia nampak kelam kabut. Maunya tak, kalau I pun mesti macam tu.. Tapi bila la I nak buat eh, aritu bukan main lagi plan nak buat kek la.. niat tu ada tapi alahai, lazy bum nya I.

Back to my kisah bola, masa tendangan penaliti tu I tak tengok, cuma tengok yang the first three aje. After that I tak tengok tengok dah sebab I can be so emotional and itu belum lagi part suara I menjerit-jerit. Sebelum tu masa pejaga gol dorang dapat tangkap bola masa tendangan penaliti, I siap hentak meja lagi…hah engkau, so I decided baik la I mandi tu cool off kan.. Masa tengah bermandi manda tu I dengar dari flat kat sebelah sana, orang dah menjerit-jerit and siap ada bunga api meletup-letup. Then husband I datang dengan tersenyum lebar and bagitau Malaysia menang.. I was so happy tapi frust sebab I tak tengok saat-saat itu nevertheless I’m so gumbira ria. Congrats to Harimau Muda.. Masa lagu Negaraku hendak dinyanyikan, I siap bangun and bila husband I tengok I bangun dia pun bangun sekali. And I, I…. menyanyi dengan penuh semangat lagu Negaraku siap ada soprano dan alto keluar sekali ehehe..

Habis bola, switched remote lagi sekali and tengok result The X-Factor US first season. Husband I dah agak dah siapa bottom two and as for me, I thought kumpulan Lakoda Rayne sebab last week dorang bottom two with Stereo Hogz. Tapi rupa-rupanya Stacy Francis and Brian “Astro” Bradley. But we all dah agak, mesti Stacy Francis akan tekeluar and memang pun but Astro nie, OMG belagaknya budak seekor nih.. tak padan dengan umur baru 14 tahun. Masa peringkat pemilihan dulu, I dengan husband I cakap, jangan la budak nie terpilih sebab tersangatnya cocky and big headed. And malam tadi dia dah menunjukkan belang nie yang memang dah berbelang pun. Dia punya mentor L.A Reid siap bagi dia warning lagi and Simon apalagi, hentam dia sampai dia menangis. Padan muka, somebody should put him in his place. Perasan la sangat sampai siap cakap tak nak nyanyi sebab dia bottom two. Dia memang la talented and wrote his own hip hop lyric but then kalau asyik genre tu one dimension siapa tak bosan kan… Lagipun dia cocky… Nasib baik Simon, L. A. Reid and Paula vote him to stay masa final showdown between dia and Stacy. Mintak-mintak next week si arrogant nie kena buang.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Popcorn dan Periuk Belanga

Oh hey, dua hari lepas husband I berjaya membelikan popcorn ala ala gourmet yang kononnya menjadi igauan I itu. Dia beli perasa butter, caramel and the other two yang mix tu dia tak ingat. He also bought me air Gong Cha ke apa tah nama tak ingat. Well.. to me popcorn nie tak ada la sedap mana. Yang butter tu rasa dah lemau and liat-liat. Yang caramel tu ok la masih keras same goes yang campur-campur tu. It is not what I expect, ingatkan sedap giler but biasa je. I don’t think so I will berkeinginan anytime soon.

And also, husband I bawak balik a few tefal pans which was a big surprised to me. I nak gelak pun ada jugak tengok sizes of the pans, ada satu tu sama aja size except for the label, satu label merah and satu label biru tapi brand yang sama. Sebelum tu both of us dah plan nak beli sama-sama. Nak tukar periuk belanga yang lama to a new one sebab nampak dah uzur sangat. I can’t remember when was the last time we bought the old periuk periuk belanga itu.

Husband I tanya a few times whether I like it or that dia akan tambah-tambah mana yang tak cukup. Dia takut I tak suka. I kata ok la and offcourse I like it. Dia kata nanti dia nak cari yang bertangkai on both side. I have no complaint in fact I’m quite touch. He always try his best to impress me. Husband I selalu buat benda yang unexpected but in a cute way…

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend Update


Last weekend, Friday and Saturday both of us berturut-turut ke KLCC.. Friday evening to sebab husband I ajak berbuka kat Madam Kwan. Dia kesian tengok I asyik masak hari-hari. Lagipun dia nak belikan I buku sebab due date of getting discount kalau semua dah kena stamp dekat kad Kinokuniya was by the end of this November. Kita orang selalu lupa nak guna kad kinokuniya yang lepas-lepas. We came just in time for my berbuka but bila waitress tu hantar air, I terus minum sebab lupa yang I puasa. Tiba-tiba I teringat, eh dah masuk time ke. I tengok jam macam 5 minit lagi nak berbuka but my husband assured me that dah masuk, I was hesitate and rasa macam tak sure aje. But its ok la.. God knows that I tak sengaja. Both of us order Nasi Bojari, as I don’t know what else to order. Menu sama aje, tak berubah dari dulu sampai sekarang. How I wish they added more menu so that we will have other selection. I makan tak habis pun. Oh I order wonton soup and itupun tak habis.

Lepas makan terus I pegi Kinokuniya andhusband I pegi ke kedai sport. I masuk aje, something caught my eyes. The book was called Hotshots. The book is about 40 years of great news images by newspaper The Star/photographers. Terus I melekat kat situ and belek-belek. I sungguh tertarik kat buku tu, rasa nostalgia pun ada browsing through the pictures and reading the story that comes with it. After that I went around and select a few books. I sungguh gembira rasa macam nak tinggal je kat kedai buku kalau boleh. Husband I tak beli apa-apa buku as usual, dah puas I pujuk-pujuk and telling him the benefit of reading but to no avail. Yes, Kadang-kadang sakit hati I sebab it’s knowledge. And I want him to read what I read so that we can discuss about it and I want to know or hear his point of view. Alasan dia, dia dah puas baca buku masa sekolah dulu. Apa punya alasan. Itu belum lagi part dia belagak cakap dalam sejam dia boleh habis baca satu buku tebal, nyampah I, pegang buku pun I tak pernah tengok ada hati nak cakap besar. Bila I cakap sudah la…, mula la tersengih dengan muka tak malu. Sungguh cocky kan?

Lepas I capai a few, husband I suruh tambah lagi, I kata tak apa la. Sometime husband I akan recommend I a few books after dia baca narrative kat belakang. Sometime ada a few books yang I hesitate nak beli ke tak nak,I akan letak balik and I saw my husband, pandang I and akan ambik senyap-senyap and hide behind his back which he always did. And I will pretend that I don’t know what he’s doing (but I guess sometime he knows that I know). That is sort of our manja-manja “game”. Then he would ask me to hand over any book that I have chose and cepat-cepat nak pegi bayar. Then he told me to walk around while waiting for him to pay and choose more books. I akan tanya kenapa nak bayar or pegi dua tiga kali kat counter and he would say it’s ok. When we done with our book shopping, he would hand me the plastic containing the books and asked me to look inside. I would be “surprised” and would thank him profusely. There would be a twinkle in his eyes and a smile of excited, that he managed to do something special for me. This sort of thing, his way of showing and shower me with much attention, even if it is just a books, are the thing that makes me fall in love again and again with him… (melodramatic la pulak kan…). So anyway, since there’s a gift of RM50 of the coupon because we managed to get it all stamped up from buying the books, I pun teringat the Hotshots book that I saw when I first came in just now. Sungguh sesuai untuk dijadikan coffee table book but I think I’m going to put in my bookshelf je. So I grabbed it immediately.

Then we mingled a little bit and saw there’s a candy shop kat ground floor. Apalagi terus masuk tapi I tak ada la beli banyak-banyak, just a few aje sebab takut la kena diabetes beside Mummy ada and chances of me getting it is very high since I suka makan junk food manis-manis nih. Mintak di jauh Tuhan. Then next to the candy shop tu ada kedai popcorn jual macam gourmet style. I remember, this is the popcorn that was recommended by Oprah in one of her special segment show about things that she love and like to share. Kita orang tengok kat counter dah macam tak ada apa-apa. Bila tanya kat girl yang kerja kat situ, dia kata dah habis. Frust je. After a while, we went back.


Ingat nak pegi FRIM Kepong since ada acara kebudayaan kat situ. I ingat nak ambik-ambik gambar and experience something new. Furthermore, lama dah nak ke situ but asyik tangguh je. Husband I kata, mesti hujan since this past week kejap-kejap hujan. And pikir balik, iye la kan and beside its quite far. Next time la pegi situ. Then husband I ajak pegi KLCC balik sebab dia nak belikan that gourmet popcorn and I decided to bring along my camera. Beside it is almost our lunch time.

Sampai situ terus cadang pegi makan dulu. We don’t know what we want to eat. Asyik benda yang sama aje, kalau tak Madam Kwan mesti Little Penang. So that Saturday we decided to try kat Restaurant Indonesia called Bumbu Desa that we always pass by but never stop. Nampak macam ramai orang aje and food display dari jauh nampak macam sedap je.

Masuk je, I dah tertarik with the interior yang sungguh Indon itu. I jalan-jalan tengok food display. I understand that, that is not for buffet but kalau kita ndak, we can either pointed out of which we want or order from the menu and they will heated it up for us. Kira separuh masak la yang display tu.

Sementara tunggu food sampai, I snap a few pics around and the waiter was kind enough to show me around and told me what is the right angle to snap. I bet lots of people datang and snap-snap gambar kat dalam so that is why he/they know which spot or patung-patung that is worth taking/snaping.

Then bila food sampai, both of us cepat-cepat makan as we are hungry. Food wise.. mmm.. it was totally different from ours. To me our Malaysian food is much better, delicious, rich and flavourable then theirs. I’m not bias but maybe I’m not use to their food. Rasa makanan dorang, ada masam, manis dan masin tapi cair and not much to desire. I don’t like it at all. Like I said, maybe I’m not to use to their taste. And I’m sure dorang pun kalau first time makan kat our restaurant kita pun tak suka agaknya. But we went to the Indonesia restaurant (not their branch) when my husband worked in Singapore before and I think it was much better.

So lepas makan, husband I tanya, lapar lagi ke. I told him I’m ok. We walked around and I snap a few pictures around. We went to check out the popcorn shop and well.. tutup la pulak. Husband I cakap mesti kena investigate. Pandai la dia buat assumptions. Then I tengok panjangnya queue kat tempat orang jual air just in front of it. I pun join in sekali sebab curious nak taste… I bought two drinks and it was so delicious.. apa tah nama kedai tu, Gong Cha if I’m not mistaken.

On the way back, I told my husband that I nak beli a lot of lock and lock plastic container to put all my spices sebab all this while, all my spices was not on the same container sizes and not in the right order, macam disarrayed aje. We went home to put our stuff/my camera as I don’t want to get the attention, kang orang ingat reporter mana nak buat liputan kat Careffour. We shop for our spices too. After a while, we went back.. husband I suruh I pegi spa, I told him I malas la. I nak mandi and etc. Sebenarnya I was so excited and can’t wait to revamp my spices look…

Oh on, Sunday which was yesterday. Both of us tak keluar and I masak rendang ayam and kuah lodeh. Husband I beli lemang and ketupat kat luar. Macam Hari Raya aje kan. So itu la kisah our weekend.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Hari tu I ingat nak masak makanan berbuka macam biasa but husband I called from the office and ajak makan Steak kat Tony Roma’s. Apparently husband I lama dah ajak makan steak but since lidah I yang agak “local” ini merasakan berbuka dengan nasi serta lauk atau mee adalah lebih mengenyangkan dan menyelerakan. Lagipun puas hati and lepas tu boleh relax tengok tv but since husband I lama dah hint for the last 2, 3 weeks, I feel that it is not fair for me ikut selera I although I yang berpuasa, kena la give and take. So I kata ok la.. Dia balik kerja terus both of us pegi situ.

Sampai kat Pavillion, I teringin nak buang air kecil, sebenarnya tak ada la nak sangat but since dah jadi habit so cari la toilet.. Husband I kata kat bawah, I kata la kenapa tak cakap, nie dah naik escalator. Jalan-jalan kat atas, I cakap jom turun bawah since I saw an escalator kat depan mata, husband I kata nevermind kat hujung tu ada toilet. Mula la I mengomel, I kata mana ada, dia insist kata ada.. sampai kat hujung nun di sana, hati dah berapi sebab dah la penat and puasa-puasa nie asyik nak naik angin semacam, especially bila nak dekat time berbuka… cubaan betul. Sampai kat hujung, tertulis kat depan pintu nak masuk ke toilet “Khas untuk VIP”. I apalagi melenting la.. I jeling husband I macam nak telan dia, dia sengih-sengih and try to say something, I kata shut up (dengan suara perlahan) and don’t say a word. Wah, kakak nie kalau marah tiba-tiba speaking London..kan.. hah ambik kau. Husband I sengih-sengih (he knows I don’t mean it) sebab tau dia salah, I terus jalan laju kat depan.. Masa turun kat escalator, dia nak cakap lagi, I kata shut up but this time I couldn’t stand it anymore and giggling sebab I dah tak tahan tengok wajah syurga I itu sibuk nak explain and terjengau-jengau cari tanda toilet, kejap-kejap dia cakap, itu dia sign toilet, I kata bukan, itu sign nak naik lift. Nampak I gelak, apalagi dia ketawa dengan sungguh exaggerate…nyampah I.

Turun bawah, cepat-cepat I masuk toilet sebab takut terlambat nak berbuka nanti. On the way nak basuh tangan, I perasan ada pompuan rambut colour orange, macam colour rambut Horatio (CSI Miami) pandang I masa I tengah basuh tangan and then masa I tengah peratikan diri kat cermin besar. Tiba-tiba dia kata, eh… kat I, I pandang muka dia, rupa-rupanya my cousin yang dah lama I tak jumpa. I was surprised and I asked her what is she doing here. Dia kata dia kerja kat atas and dia sebut nama boutique tu. And dia speaking dengan I with slang omputih yang semacam and when her R is pelat I rasa a bit pelik. But I ingat-ingat lupa when we were back home, her parents speak to her in English with a Chinese slang and a mix of iban, furthermore her father (my uncle by marriage) is a chinese. And I try to remember when was the last time I talked to her and I realised we only say hi and bye beside our age gap is 10 years. So you see, there’s not much to share about.

So I pun tanya how’s her family because I happened to meet her by chance about 10 years ago when she was on a holiday with her husband and children at Sg Wang. She sounds surprised and tanya I, didn’t my younger sister tell me, I cakap I tak bercakap dengan dia. Dia kata dia dah separated from her husband and the childrens is with her husband but will move with her soon and I don’t know whether her estranged husband join sekali, I didn’t ask in details. I’m not going to elaborate or tell you guys how he got married to her estranged husband or her personal life before she met him because it is none of my business. But I do want to tell you that her mother and her others sisters (my dad’s three sisters) were not happy when I was about to marry my husband because he is a malay and offcourse muslim and my conversion. Anyway, itu kisah lama and tak ada la dorang menentang habis-habisan cuma dorang cakap kat Mummy je not to me (only one of my other auntie did mentioned to me once). Bila Mummy cakap kat I, I smiled and said, Mummy dorang ada anak, we shall see.. tu aje comment I.

On the way out of the toilet, she met my husband who was waiting for me, I cakap kat husband I, look its (my cousin’s name), remember? We went to their house during Christmas and she played a Christmas’s song with her keyboard to us. My husband smiled and say hi to her. Oh.. she said, I tak berubah and masih macam dulu lagi and that I kurus..muehehe.. (suka la I..). Before we parted from each other, we exchanged phone number and I do know we wouldn’t be contacting each other any time soon as we are not close and I’m sure if we happen to talk, there wouldn’t be anything to talk about. I love her, I do she is my cousin although she was adopted when she was a few days old. But to me she’s my flesh and blood cousin.

So anyway, we ordered from the menu immediately when we got our sit at Tony Roma’s. I ordered short rib sebab masa tengok kat internet macam enticing aje. Husband I order ribs and steak. While waiting for our food to come, I cerita sikit-sikit to my husband pasal dia and that I don’t really know much about her life. Like I said, I tak campur and I’m interested to know about other people’s life. Bila food sampai, both of us makan sesuap dua and exchanged because I like his and he likes mine. Lepas makan, both of us passed by Sticky Candy and decided to make a stop and bought one bottled of mix sticky candy there. Then we went to the supermarket to do a little bit of marketing. On the way back, we bought a few sticks of chakoi and fresh soyabean.

Next day, Wo called me up to tell me that our auntie (my dad’s second cousin) from sabah(whom we tak kenal sebab kecik lagi masa tu but had been staying with us before), wants to meet up with us since she is in KL visiting her children. Wo said she couldn’t make it and I pun tak nak la jumpa kalau Wo tak dapat datang sama kan. I kan pemalu (eceh ceh…) and I’m sure I akan kaku and clumsy nanti. Kalau ada Wo at least I tak segan. I do want to meet her and I hope umur panjang I will definetly meet her someday. At first, I malas nak bagitau Wo about my meeting with our cousin but since she is my only link to any gossip or story back home, I told her about my meeting with the cousin. Wo pun story story pasal her latest news which came as a surprised to me. And Wo said Wo pernah terbaca about her status etc. kat facebook before she make it a private. Well.. what can I say, that is her life and the main thing is.. as long as she’s happy!

Life is funny sometime... and no, I don't hold any grudge on them...

Friday, November 11, 2011

MasterChef Malaysia La Kan....

I antara peminat setia masterchef Malaysia yang sedang keudaraan sekarang ini. I tak pernah miss dari episode pertama (except yang 5 mins) until now. Dari mula-mula bersiaran lagi I dah suka, although ramai yang kutuk-kutuk program nie. Pada I best apa, although tidak mencapai standard I or should I say masih di tahap tidak memuaskan when in comes to the challenge when they were supposed to cook something but still given a resepi yang diberi. Although (banyaknya guna perkataan although) sukatan tak diberi but still bahan-bahan diberi dalam resepi which is unfair when compared to the US punya version. I think as someone who has a passion in cooking, their taste palate should know better and automatically dah boleh tau whats is the ingredients in the dish/meal yang disediakan. Oh yeah, the kitchen was impressive to me and I love that, the jury are very particular about the kebersihan and how they prepared their food.

I already have a clear favourites, I support budak-budak muda such as Danial, Amir and Saiful. Being that young and still managed to produce a good quality of food is a talent and gifted to me. As for yang dah berusia tu, I guess they learn from experienced. I tidak menidakkan kebolehan yang dah berumur itu and I know the more experienced the better they can be and offcourse talent is playing a big role in it. But I still go for the younger generation. Imagine… 10 years from now, people like Danial or Amir will be more and excellent or should I say brilliant chef. I can’t wait to see them during that time, kalau I hidup lagi la. I just hope jangan la dorang ni jadi penagih dadah, putar alam or tukang kongkek atau kena kongkek dengan perempuan atau lelaki kan. But pada I yang membuatkan cerita nie menarik was because all of them came from a different background and also kerja. But yet the managed to cook some of the most amazing food around.

Ok part yang seterusnya, I nak kutuk pasal contestants pulak. Here’s the thing, this is a competition. Yang korang nangis-nangis bila orang tu kena eliminated, apahal? Nak nangis boleh but berpada la kan, especially si Emelda tu and also some of the contestant. Sorry Em, if you read this. I love you girl. Siap kena guna inhaler lagi adeihh. I know you feeling-feeling sebab they are your good and close friend but like I said, please don’t deviate yourself from the real reason why you masuk masterchef nie, it is because you want to win. That’s all.. fullstop! Korang patut suka kalau your competitor tu dah blah. Tak payah nak buat kisah sedih or classic black and white movie. I don’t know, maybe I’m the coldhearted kinda person or should I say heartless?? Err..sapa la yang selalu cari tissue paper bila tengok movie yang merana-rana (pointing at myself hehe…). But then again maybe the situation was so tense that they tend to be emotional?

Ok next, still nak kutuk contestant nie. First and foremost don’t try to be the saviour or the one that took the blame for other people or everybody. Tak payah nak gentlemen-gentlemen or kekonon honest nak tunjuk “hero”. Why do you want to put yourself in a chopping block or danger. The best thing is senyap aje unless jury tu call your name and told you about your mistake, otherwise senyap je la. Don’t call the unnecessary attention to yourself. Part nie memang buat I betul-betul menyampah. I sungguh-sungguh meluat tau. I don’t know why la korang macam tu, maybe typical Malaysian punya character/attitude ke or maybe I yang selfish ke... nevertherless..I stand by with my view and believe. Everyone for him or herself.

Ok next about the jury. Dalam tiga jury kat situ paling I suka sekali offcourse Papa Joe. He is my favourites. Reason? Because dia sangat cool, cara dia bercakap memang macam hero ala-ala smooth talker and grandfatherly. He is such a calm person. I wish he was my father or my grandpa or even my uncle. And the way he dress up, sungguh kemas dan berkarisma. Cara dia berkerja dan ketelitiannya itu, sungguh hebat. I memang respect Papa Joe. He is someone that I look up. Chef Zubir..hmm.. Chef Zubir, what can I say about Chef Zubir. He’s ok but I don’t like the way he talk or when explaining to the contestant. Telinga I sakit la, dia cakap dengan gaya or tone yang menekan and sometime, he makes them like they are from a special school, you get what I mean, cakap slow-slow macam guru besar? Macam cakap dengan murid-murid tadika pun yea jugak. Gaya classic pun ada jugak. Chef Riz..hmm.. I don’t know whose his fashion consultant. I just can’t believe that he or Astro Ria would let him get away with that style. I wish someone would tell him or what kind of a fashion statement did he try to make? And I wish I jadi dia punya fashion consultant and I’m pretty sure I know how to dress him up. But I suka cara penyampaian or cara dia bercakap. He is as cool and smart as Papa Joe. He knows what he’s talking about and knows his food well. He is one of my favourite too. But, ada but jugak… the recent event sungguh memalukan and I siap berdebat hebat dengan husband I pasal kes tu.

I feel like Chef Riz has let me down in a way. I bukan main lagi mempertahankan dia and I can’t believe that he’s actually go that far and sanggup lagi mempertahankan his cv’s and statement before that. I cakap kat husband I, he is not that stupid to lie over something serious like this, husband I cakap pulak well.. he is, because why would the people kat tempat dia berkerja kat NY denied his claim. I cakap maybe orang dengki kat dia and tengok la he even defend his claim. Husband I cakap, people do anything to lie to get what they want. I cakap we’ll see what his father has to say tomorrow (we argued two nights ago sampai tidur dekat pukul 2.00am berdebat pasal kes tu, dengan mata pejam-pejam atas katil, lampu dah tutup masa tu, nak tidurkan). I siap pointed my finger to my husband, I cakap lagi, whatever it is, I put myself in Chef Riz’s shoes and that he has the same thinking or principal like I do..and I believe him. And look where did it get me? Finally, dia mengaku and his dad pun tak support what he had done. Didn’t he know that once he’s a well known figure, people will try to dig (mostly the bad stuff) everything about him? Especially orang-orang yang dengki kat dia or someone close to him. That is why, it is best to come up clean rather than try to defend (at first) or that don’t lie or cheat if you know that you are going to be famous or that having someone famous in your family.

Balik kerja petang semalam, I read Chef Wan’s fb statement to my husband. He look at me, smile and said.. betul tak dia cakap. I kata yea yea.. sambil menjeling tajam kat dia. I was so disappointed at Chef Riz nie but I still support him and I don’t hate him at all in fact I felt sorry for him, mesti embarrassed besar and sure ada yang make fun of him. I hope he or anybody yang nak famous or tengah famous, terus terang aje kalau orang tanya about your past or benda-benda sensitive or what have you done before or don’t try to defend it, if it is a lie. He is just a human being, like you and me. We make/made mistake or make a wrong judgement everynow and then. We learned from it and hope we wouldn’t do the same mistake again. But if we do, we pick ourself up and Chef Riz, held your head high and don’t worry what other people think of you. If they want to say something nasty to or about you, let them be. That is their issue not you. My thought of you before and after the “incident” never change or waiver. As far as I’m concern and many more people out there, we still on your side all through the way. Let’s move on Chef Riz.

Lastly, on the food, tengok contestant nie masak, terus bersemangat I nak try resepi-resepi dorang and kejap-kejap telan air liur je. Tak lama lagi ada la I start nak hias-hias makanan bagai wakaka… Tapikan best la dorang masak, so creative and food presentation wise, menarik. I salute you guys. And I wish I jadi food taster/tester kat situ, kira represent the people la kan.. but this kakak tak boleh la makan makanan yang pedas and masam. Demand la pulak wakaka… Oh yeah, before I forget to mention, I suka la dorang nie semua cakap bahasa melayu tak kira cina ke india, macam sedap je. Sungguh menarik di dengar dan bahasa yang digunakan kadang-kadang ala-ala puitis. So anyway, good luck to all of you that are still in the show..ahak!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ke Muzium Negara

Last month, this pasangan season went to our National Museum. Since we haven’t had anything to eat from the morning, we decided to have our lunch in that place. At first, we thought we’re gonna have our lunch outside, hati sudah tak sedap sebab mesti panas and berpeluh but thanks God, there is an air condition section kat dalam. The food was not bad but quite pricey. Minuman pun mahal. I told my husband, mesti sebab the rent is expensive, husband I kata tak ada la sebab kerajaan punya, takan nak charge rent mahal.

So anyway, this is not the first time that I went to our National Museum. The first time was when I first came her with my then BF (now husband ler), when he wants to introduce me to his family. The second time was when I brought my sister and my cute darling niece Abby. After that, we didn’t go there for about 15 years, until now. Oh yeah, sebelum both of us ke situ, ada acara perdebatan la kan.. dia kata entry ticket is RM20.00. I kata mana ada, government tak charge mahal and it is for public. Dengan penuh confident beliau cuba mematahkan hujah I. I suruh dia call pihak muzium, call a few times but nobody seems to be working or keluar lunch. Next day tu, he went to buy the ticket, I went around and snap snap kat luar. When he came over, I tanya, berapa harga ticket.. dengan tersipu-sipu malu si comel itu cakap RM2.. you should see his face and the smile penuh belagak kat muka I.. ehehehe..

Masuk aje kat muzium nie, si pengomel dah complaint kata tempat kecik la, etc.. I cakap, they didn’t plan it when they first built it, maybe tanah/space limited and maybe they didn’t realised how important it was for the future generation, maybe, maybe ahh this is just my point of view. Pepandai la I bagi reason kan. Anyway, I love our museum or any museum in the world.. I suka pegi.. I don’t know why. Si pegomel I nie asyik tak puas hati dengan semua benda, sometime I wonder why is he so unhappy over something as remeh as this? He wouldn’t be enjoy anything if he kept on see things in a negative way kan? But dia tak pernah complaint pasal I or whatever I do. Complaint la I kalau berani.. kalau rasa ilmu ketahanan diri serta mental tu kuat wakaka…

Like I said, I love going to any museum and I was so happy beside I need to go back to my photography world that I’ve neglected for such a long time.. So sibuk la I snap gambar sana sini and si kekasih I itu pun sibuk ler nak snap gambar I. Hey, a photographer also needs her pictures to be taken in action.. hehe..

I was kind of worried that the pictures that I took wouldn’t come out well due to the lighting beside I didn’t play with it for quite sometime but when I uploaded it, I was surprised that it turned out to look well and in fact beyond my expectation. I’m not saying that I’m satisfied with my work, I’m not, but I felt relieved as I have no hope that it would look that good. Ok enough about me memuji diri sendiri ini ehek… So sampai kat section sang pengkhianat komunis, I cakap kat husband I dengan penuh berkobar-kobar betapa hinanya perangai dorang nie, husband I senyum-senyum je kat I. Well..apa nak buat semangat patriotic I sungguh membara di dalam jiwa raga ini although I was not born during the komunis era kan. It is good that the muzium and the government instill this thing to the new generation because I tengok kebanyakkan generasi muda sekarang nie tak ada atau kurang semangat nasionalisme nya. Wah, as usual mesti I emo kan, kalau bab-bab tentang negara I yang tercinta atau bahasa manjanya terchenta ini..

After that we went to another section of the building, pameran khas pasal kapal karam punya peninggalan. Ingatkan free, rupa-rupanya kena bayar RM3. As for pelancong luar, dorang kena bayar RM8. Ingatkan besar, masuk je.. alahai macam dewan sekolah tadika je… kecik tau. Dalam hati I cakap, tak apa la as long as isinya menarik. But it was kinda disappointed sebab asyik-asyik pinggan mangkuk yang pecah-pecah je banyak. Not much or many to see… I was not happy about it.. Husband I kata, with this kind of exhibition patutnya entrance free je siap muka masam muncung-muncung lagi. On the way out kat luar guest book siap la I tulis tak puas hati on the exhibition.. si pengomel kat sebelah itu pun bukan main suka lagi kalau part-part negative nie…

After a while we went back… sekian kisah sehari di Muzium Negara…

Note : Nanti kalau I dah update gambar-gambar kat flickr I akan bagitau..

Saturday, November 5, 2011


There were a few things that had happened in my life these past few weeks. Tak ada la interesting mana but still there is a memory. Firstly, I continue balik with my fasting until now although puasa ganti dah lama habis. Itu je jalan I nak kurus selain untuk jaga kesihatan. Beside I tak payah la susah-susah nak masak tengahari, husband I pun tak balik lunch sebab dia nak balik kerja cepat and dia pun nak kuruskan badan, which I think will never happen sebab gendutan perutnya itu is ireversable haha. And other reason is offcourse I nak dapat pahala. Lagipun I tak ada bergossip or kutuk-kutuk orang. I kan sorang-sorang je kat rumah and I tak suka keluar berpelesaran tanpa tuju arah and without my husband. Facebook pun I tak masuk. So chances nak buat extra dosa tu is nil.

Last few weeks, I went out and did my snapping around. My first in such a long time. Nanti I update gambar and cerita sikit. I dah type halfway tapi tak habis lagi. I don’t know why sekarang nie masa makin lama makin tak cukup untuk I. Banyak benda I nak kena buat.. I mengemaskinikan/menyusun barangan dan peralatan dapur, cuci-cuci icebox, buang barangan yang dah outdated/expired. Sekarang tengah dalam process menyusun balik baju-baju dan baju yang tak pakai letak kat bilik lain. I’m so happy because project mengemas I berjalan dengan lancar. I buat sikit-sikit, day by day, tak nak rushing sebab I kan puasa.. alahai manjanya alasan kan hehe..

Masa hari cuti deepavali, Aida and family buat open house kat rumah sewa dorang. They sold their condo about a few months ago and move to that rented house sebab dorang dah beli rumah lain kat another area. The house that they bought will be ready by next year. Mula-mula ingat nak pakai baju kurung but husband I cakap pakai je jean and t-shirt. Sampai kat rumah dorang, alamak, I sorang je minah rock, orang lain semua pakai baju kurung.. membebel la kejap kat husband I, malu la kan.. Nasib baik anak buah husband I punya wife pun pakai jeans but as usual I’m the only one yang tak pakai tudung wakaka.. pinjam tudung Aida masa baca doa selamat. Don’t ask me when I akan pakai.. this kakak memang tak sedar sedar…

Oh on the 28th October, Aiza (adik Aida) gave birth to a healthy baby boy.. Bertambah lagi cucu saudara kita orang.. I’m so happy because baby and mother selamat.. Ingat lagi masa Aiza kecik-kecik, garang bukan main lagi makcik tu and as usual suka nyanyi. And sekarang dah ada anak sendiri.. macam tak percaya because she kinda grew up in front of my eyes. I’m sure she and her husband will be a good parents to their son just like her parents to her.

On Sunday, finally all of us (excluding Aiza and her husband) went to have our long awaited dim sum feast at Quality Hotel’s Chinese restaurant. We arrived early, 9.30am almost all of us dah ada kat situ. So acara belasah membelasah pun bermula. Kalau makan berdua tak best tapi kalau makan ramai-ramai suddenly berselera betul I. Banyak jugak yang I makan. It was a wonderful eating/outing with the family. Lepas makan, we decided to go to Jln TAR sebab I nak cari telekung yang tertangguh dari aritu lagi. I suruh husband I stop kat tepi and I cepat-cepat pegi beli.

Oh yeah, I didn’t realise that my blog nie dah berusia dua tahun on the 27th October aritu. Happy birthday to my blog and by far this is the longest and yang paling lama bertahan dalam sejarah blogging I. I hope it will last for as long it can go…

Last but not least, Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha…

My Birthday Part 1

So today is my birthday.  At this age rasanya sama je, xde ada apa yang berbeza cuma I rasa I'm more mature in handling any kind of ...