Balik dari rumah Vagg, both of us decided to balik hotel aje..tapi..tiba-tiba I ternampak signboard nama Losong.. I pernah baca pasal Losong nie kat majalah..so I suruh husband I drive. Dia kata pegi mana, I kata drive je la..dengan lagak sombong..padahal I dah nampak sign awal-awal keh keh keh... Then dia kata, eh signboard Losong and Muzium Negeri. I kata we’re going to Losong.. Dia tanya kenapa.. I kata tempat keropok-keropok lekor that I’ve read somewhere.
On the way ke sana tersesat masuk kat Muzium Negeri. Sebenarnya tak payah belok but memandangkan tak ada sign, kita orang masuk. Lepas guard kat situ bagi direction maka sampai la kita orang kat situ. Kita orang pegi kat the first shop kat situ.. Masa I tanya nak order penjual lelaki kat situ buat tak tau aje.. wah baru jual keropok dah belagak. I tanya lagi sekali dia tak pandang pun but the other pompuan kat situ yang respond. Kalau la I tak dah angkat-angkat a few keropok kering and other stuff kat situ, gerenti I dah angkat kaki. Kita orang beli keropok lekor rebus yang bergoreng tak ada.
Then husband I snap a few pics of me kat situ and kita orang blah pegi tempat jual keropok yang lain. We decided to choose the one yang paling ujung sekali. Kat situ ada yang bergoreng. Lepas ambik lagi a few pics both of us pun blah. On the way nak balik ke hotel, both of us belasah like nobody business. Husband I tanya nak dinner apa malam nanti.. I kata, kenyang giler and beside I ada tapau dari Vagg.
Balik hotel mandi, solat dan I makan makanan tapau sambil makan keropok dari Losong. Seperti biasa I akan cemas everytime nak naik kapalterbang and I mesti pikir is this is going to be my last day on earth. Ye la kan mesti ingat nak jatuh ke or meletup kat langit ke.. you know bende yang diatas pasti jatuh jua someday kan... Then I tiba-tiba teringatkan Damit and terus I masuk blog dia. (For those yang tak tahu, he was one of our earliest geng blogger but he passed away a few years ago). I baca a few of his entries, I ketawa sorang-sorang and I hayati ayat-ayat terakhir dia... I miss his writing and I wish he were still alive so that I can read more of his life story or whatever coming from him..
Early next morning we checked out around 6.20am and drove ourselves to the airport. Sampai airport orang yang jaga kereta sewa tak sampai lagi, our check in time is at 8.20am. Then breakfast dulu. Lepas breakfast husband I pulang balik kunci kereta and then terus masuk kat balai berlepas. Around 9am, sampai la ke KL.
Last but not least.....
Ucapan Thank You Buat Vagg, Gab and Afi
Buat Vagg, Gab and Afi, thank you so much kerana sudi melayan kerenah sis and abang serious korang tu sepanjang we all di rumah you, thank you so much for welcoming us into your lovely home and into your life.. May Allah bless all of you always, dimurahkan rezeki and panjang umur kita jumpa lagi....
Last but not least.....
Ucapan Thank You Buat Vagg, Gab and Afi
Buat Vagg, Gab and Afi, thank you so much kerana sudi melayan kerenah sis and abang serious korang tu sepanjang we all di rumah you, thank you so much for welcoming us into your lovely home and into your life.. May Allah bless all of you always, dimurahkan rezeki and panjang umur kita jumpa lagi....
The End
kitorang igt sis xmo pegi memana dh lepas balik tuh.kalo x dah pesan awal2.. kat Losong tu cari gerai keropok yang nama ADNAN. situ memang best , plus tukang jualnya xberlagak.
kami dah lama xbeli kat KAKYAH nih. rasa keropok mmg xbest langsung dan eksen sket, kalo xsilap dulu my dad pernah komplen hehe.
kalo sis mkn keropok kakyah tuh then ckp sedap, then you should try adnan's coz the taste is much much muchhhhhhhhhh better than this one.
memang igt nk balik tapi tau je la sis nie spontaneous je..
oh ye ke..rasanya ada lalu kedai keropok nama ADNAN nih.. a'hah keropok kat KAKYAH tu sedap. wah mcm nie next time kena try kat ADNAN tu la...
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