Saturday, September 18, 2010

3D 2N at Pulau Pangkor (2nd and 3rd Day)

14th, September, 2010, 2nd Day

Balik dari round island both of us berehat sekejap and I tertidur kejap.. Bangun je lepas solat, I decided to mandi laut. Sebenarnya I malas tapi disebabkan alang-alang dah ada kat pulau nih... Sampai kat pantai, pheeehhh... air memang tak cantik, keruh..... I think sebab I dah pernah tengok pantai/air yang cantik macam kat Pulau Redang.. so I just rendam je kaki kat situ kejap je. Then I told my husband mandi kat swimming pool je la...

Bermandi manda la kat swimming pool for a montel sedaya upaya menunjukkan skill menyelamnya yang tak sampai 5 saat terus tercungap-cungap timbul ke permukaan air, nak bernapas kui kui kui.. Around 6pm both of us balik bilik..mandi and bersiap untuk buffet dinner.. both of us pegi after maghrib..

15th, September, 2010 (3rd and last day)

(Hujan turun dengan lebat pagi tu)

On our last day, we decided to catch a 8am ferry as both of us tak mau balik lambat, beside we miss KL very much... Malam sebelum tu husband I dah called reception suruh buat wake up call pukul 6am. But I told my husband I tak gerenti dorang akan call so I set my hp pukul 6am.. Pagi tu I dah bangun pukul 5am and I was greet by the heavy rain.. the weather was so cold and well.. true enough.. receptionist/front desk tak call buat wake up call untuk kita orang...see I told you.. Since malam dah siap berkemas semua so pagi tu not much benda yang nak di buat other than mandi, bersolat and simpan all the toiletries..
(I suka view nie although it was still raining heavily masa I breakfast kat dalam)

Both of us bawak bag, check out and terus have our breakfast which was quite early, 7am.. We are the only 5 people je kat hornbill restaurant masa tu, makanan pun banyak yang tak ada lagi or masih sejuk.. I makan sikit as I tak ada selera makan pagi-pagi buta.. Lepas habis makan around 7.30am, pegi ke lobby and around 7.45am bus hotel datang ambik untuk bawak ke jetty. Ferry dah siap tunggu and kita orang terus naik and tepat jam 8am.. ferry pun bergerak..

Hujan dah mula berkurangan masa dalam ferry and sempat la jugak I berposing and ambik gambar kat luar ferry..

(Pengkalan Navy Lumut...teringat masa jadi anak navy and tinggal kat sini masa zaman dulu kala..huhuhu....)

Sampai kat Jetty Lumut around 8.45am and terus pegi ke car park and on the way balik sempat la ke Teluk Batik where the Naval Base was.. I snap flat tempat I tinggal dulu but I can't remember which building or what number it was.. I tersilap snap building and I delete the picture as I don't want to spoil my memory...

Around 1pm both of us reached KL..ahhh what a relieved... Overall we had a wonderful time although it can be bored if you got nothing to do and not much to do anyway... I'm very sure, this holiday trip is yang I makan paling banyak sampai perut I boroi and I'm sure berat badan I bertambah dengan jayanya and also.. paling banyak tidur... so it was a very relaxing holiday...

Anyway, no matter how far or how fun the place that we went to.. KL is still in our heart... no place like home as they say....

The End....

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