Thursday, September 16, 2010

3D 2N at Pulau Pangkor (First Day)

Monday 13th September, 2010 (first day)

Last Monday, iaitu hari raya keempat me and the hubby decided to go to Pulau Pangkor and stayed at Pangkor IslandBeach Resort Hotel (5 star hotel..katanya). We drove around 9.30am morning and parked at Lumut tempat letak kereta. Weather tersangatnya panas kat Jetty but both of us were so excited and tired at the same time. We rode on a ferry that took us about 1/2 hours to reach the island. Sesampai je we were taken with resort punya bus and terus ke hotel. There were a lot of people with all kind of nationality.. kaum kerabat dak gab pun ada gak..

Masuk je bilik as usual acara utama I ialah "menyenap" setiap sudut to share with all of you or that some who plan to go there can get a clear picture of how the place looks like... seperti biasa gambar toilet adalah wajib...kui kui kui...don't ask me why because I don't have the answer to that...

Walaupun bilik nie simple but the bed was so comfortable.. Normally, I tak dapat lena kalau tidur kat hotel or tempat baru but not this bilik..sungguh cosy and I asyik nak tidur aje kat situ..

Yang tak bestnya tv kat situ..sungguh outdated, kecik and brand sanyo... and program astro pun limited aje.. oh don't get me started with wifi or whatever internet kat situ..sungguh la mundur..kalau nak bertenet kena pegi kat lobby of which I tak mau pegi and kebetulan line kat hotel tu was rosak on the first day. I bertenet kat bilik je and bawak celcom broadband..tapi kena guna gprs instead of celcom 3G so you can imagine how slow it was..I sampai tertidur masa nak masuk and main farmville..sabar je la...

On the second day kat bilik nie baru la I tau yang hair dryer dalam laci kat situ... buat penat aje I goyang-goyangkan rambut nak kasi kering..kah kah kah...

Verandah bilik.. oh we stayed at the ground floor... ala lupa nak snap gambar kat pintu...warning jangan kasi monyet makan..and difahamkan monyet kat sini suka melarikan barangan sama ada boleh dimakan atau tidak. Aritu bertimbun dorang bertempiaran lari bila pekerja kat situ halau dengan mercun hehehehe...

(view from the room)

Then both of us pegi ke Hornbill Restaurant kat hotel for lunch tapi tutup during lunch time.. Bukak during breakfast and dinner buffet aje..then both of us pegi ke Pacific Terrace which was next to the Hornbill Restaurant.

I order chicken chop (gambar atas) which was quite pricy.. RM32..(gulps) and portion daging ayam was only a quarter aje.. rasa boleh la.. and I order air watermelon, husband I order coke aje and dia tak mau makan..nak tau berapa tak semua? RM68 plus tax..mahal kan.. but nak buat macam mana makanan kat pulau memang mahal..

I lupa nak ambik gambar pantai dari dekat..but pantai and air laut dia tak cantik la..keruh je... I guess..west coast punya pantai is not as nice or beautiful as the east coast.. I mean kat pulau pulau..especially Pulau Redang yang omg..breathtakingly itu...(Ingat nak pegi lagi la..)

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