About 2 weeks ago I dah bagitau husband I yang I nak tengok teater nie. Publisiti bukan main hebat with the controversy of the main character of a young little star yang demand pasal harga bayaran who was the first choice and end up the beautiful Maya Karin got the part. So yesterday afternoon, husband I called up and bagitau I nak tengok for which slot, I kata as long as it is not Monday and Thursday as I have a class on that day. As for Friday nie, I nak tengok Muzik Muzik final. He told me that Saturday was already fully booked and except for Rabu malam, only that day aje I free and ada kosong and the seating was very limited. Mind you, lady of leisure pun ada tight schedule nih! Haha...He bought the RM 151.60 seat sebab biasa la Miss Queen nie, xmo duduk jauh jauh, mesti nak tengah-tengah dan dekat dengan stage or I tak mo tengok langsung. I mean what is the point of watching or be entertained by it if you can only see from far? Actually dia nak beli yang RM100.00 seating, which was closer to the stage but dah takde seat.
During bersiap-siapan tu, sempat lagi I jenguk-jenguk my kebun (belum standard ladang lagi tuh) and borak dengan fiez and roxy. I suruh husband I bakarkan roti kaya/butter sebab I tak tau nak makan apa and takut lapar although masakan tengahari ada lagi, tapi nyonya nie demand bukan main, so we plan balik nanti la makan somewhere. On the way, stop sekejap kat station minyak, isi minyak and beli air. Masa nak dekat sampai, sempat lagi husband I tanya boleh bawak air ke... I kata you ingat nie panggung wayang ke... tergelak I...adeeihh macam la tak pernah pegi before this hahaha... Sampai je, wah susahnya nak cari tempat parking kat situ, kena park kat belakang nasib baik tak jauh sangat. I ingatkan both of us dah lambat, kelam kabut jugak. We all ikut jalan belakang and sempat lagi I guna toilet kat belakang stage. Then terus ikut jalan tepi ke depan and terus masuk. Nasib baik tempat duduk space dia luas sebab it was in between orang lalu..legaa...Tak lama kemudian, all of us was asked to stand up and sing our national anthem. Husband I kata kena bangun nyanyi ke, I kata, you nie tak ada semangat patrotik langsung, ush..dia kata kat I, tau pun malu..

Maka bermula la kisah.... ok, this is how I see it and my point of view towards the Natrah’s theatre...First and foremost I don’t know much about teater ke belakon ke or anything about it. My comment is base on me as an audience/penonton yang suka menonton teater although not much tapi around 10 kat IB tu. But I do think I have the right to give such comment or criticise on it. Here goes, pada I jalan cerita nie mmm.. tak berapa best, bosan dan adakala memenatkan. But there are part yang I rasa touched when Natrah di paksa berpisah dengan Che Aminah nie, sedih part tarik-tarik tu and another part masa dia jumpa Che Aminah, siap bawak bekal and suap-suap kat dia lagi, masa tu Mansor and Mak Wok ada sekali, rasa macam ada gelombang kat tekak I... Dari segi lakonan, Umi Aida, Maya, Remy and all the actor/actress, berjaya membawa watak masing-masing but terlampau banyak extra sungguh menyesakkan stage itu. At times it can be bercelaru and sometime the extra tu comey-comey, muda muda (with the help of makeup and lighting, offcourse) dari Maya Karin dengan rambut rebonding/lurus dorang tu. Tak realistic langsung.
Overall, cerita nie tak berapa best pada I disebabkan oleh garapan yang longgar (cewah) and part-part yang menyentuh perasaan or yang penting patutnya ditekankan lagi, love story yang kurang berkesan and tak berapa ada chemistry between the two sebab tak banyak scene romantic or even the crucial part kat court tu. Like I said semua pelakon tu berjaya membawa watak masing-masing but in terms of menjiwai watak...well... let just say Umi Aida la yang paling berkesan (serak suara dia, nie mesti terlampau banyak menjerit, menangis and she is going to have to do that until next week, must be a gruelling thing to do in the name of theatre eh? Or should I say for the love of the arts).
I thought during the show ada intermission like they always do but I was surprised sebab tak ada break langsung. I dah mula pikir I want to take a break myself and go to the toilet. It was fast, short and it took only 1 ½ hours je (thanks God!). Nasib baik sekejap or I’ll be screaming my head out. Habis aje, I pegi toilet cepat-cepat and terus caio, I didn’t wait or queue like most of the people yang nak mintak sign autograph or take picture with the actors. Tak kuasa I, beside I nak makan (although both of us are not hungry) and worried about my padi yang tak harvest lagi..hahahaha...

Ok now this is my personal opinion towards the whole story. I’ve been going through Natrah punya kisah nie dari dulu lagi although not religiously but each time cerita dia keluar kat paper, internet or any book yang I browse through kat bookstore I mesti baca (although tak sepenuhnya kat kedai buku ler...maunya berhari-hari bercamping kat situ). Pada I la, Natrah should be with her real parents, regardless dia dibesarkan oleh family lain. Why? Because no matter what, she should be with her rightful parents, they have a right on her because she is still underage although dia dibesarkan oleh family “angkat” secara islam. Family “angkat” dia tak ada paper yang mengatakan dia diserahkan secara rela oleh family flesh and blood dia. So that is another point why she has to go back to her real family. Yes it is so kejam because dia dibesarkan dengan sepenuh kasih sayang oleh Che Aminah nie dan dipisahkan macam tu but it is the way it is. Lain la kalau dia dah 21 or over..then she can decide on her own. But kesian jugak, dorang kena tipu and dibawa ke Singapura, kesudahannya, kena pisah abruptly. Maunya tak pedih jiwa raga, putus kasih sayang macam tu aje.. sekejap ada depan mata and the next it was taken away from you. During those commotion, cepat-cepat family “angkat” dia suruh dia kahwin dengan Mansor. I don’t know whether that is their tactic, in order to avoid the extradition ke whatever it is, but I guess both of them fall in love and genuinely love each other. But the one that hurt the most was Che Aminah...

Like I said this is how I see it and please lain orang lain la pandangan peribadi dorang about this Natrah’s teater or about the life of those yang involve. I suggest you all pergi IB and tengok sendiri...my view may varies from others.
I was wondering, what if Natrah/Maria nie dibesarkan secara Kristian or Che Aminah nie bukan islam, will her real family fought like hell to get her back?
Me : Masa I tengah bersiap-siap, sempat lagi si minah tu sms I promote lagi pasal product dia.. What the heck! I cakap I’m preparing to watch the teater..

I thought during the show ada intermission like they always do but I was surprised sebab tak ada break langsung. I dah mula pikir I want to take a break myself and go to the toilet. It was fast, short and it took only 1 ½ hours je (thanks God!). Nasib baik sekejap or I’ll be screaming my head out. Habis aje, I pegi toilet cepat-cepat and terus caio, I didn’t wait or queue like most of the people yang nak mintak sign autograph or take picture with the actors. Tak kuasa I, beside I nak makan (although both of us are not hungry) and worried about my padi yang tak harvest lagi..hahahaha...

Ok now this is my personal opinion towards the whole story. I’ve been going through Natrah punya kisah nie dari dulu lagi although not religiously but each time cerita dia keluar kat paper, internet or any book yang I browse through kat bookstore I mesti baca (although tak sepenuhnya kat kedai buku ler...maunya berhari-hari bercamping kat situ). Pada I la, Natrah should be with her real parents, regardless dia dibesarkan oleh family lain. Why? Because no matter what, she should be with her rightful parents, they have a right on her because she is still underage although dia dibesarkan oleh family “angkat” secara islam. Family “angkat” dia tak ada paper yang mengatakan dia diserahkan secara rela oleh family flesh and blood dia. So that is another point why she has to go back to her real family. Yes it is so kejam because dia dibesarkan dengan sepenuh kasih sayang oleh Che Aminah nie dan dipisahkan macam tu but it is the way it is. Lain la kalau dia dah 21 or over..then she can decide on her own. But kesian jugak, dorang kena tipu and dibawa ke Singapura, kesudahannya, kena pisah abruptly. Maunya tak pedih jiwa raga, putus kasih sayang macam tu aje.. sekejap ada depan mata and the next it was taken away from you. During those commotion, cepat-cepat family “angkat” dia suruh dia kahwin dengan Mansor. I don’t know whether that is their tactic, in order to avoid the extradition ke whatever it is, but I guess both of them fall in love and genuinely love each other. But the one that hurt the most was Che Aminah...

Like I said this is how I see it and please lain orang lain la pandangan peribadi dorang about this Natrah’s teater or about the life of those yang involve. I suggest you all pergi IB and tengok sendiri...my view may varies from others.
I was wondering, what if Natrah/Maria nie dibesarkan secara Kristian or Che Aminah nie bukan islam, will her real family fought like hell to get her back?
Me : Masa I tengah bersiap-siap, sempat lagi si minah tu sms I promote lagi pasal product dia.. What the heck! I cakap I’m preparing to watch the teater..
ok aper yg rev :-)
wah! thanks ;)
dude i agree with ur rev..teater ni xbest..pelik asal oang lain leh kater best though everyone entitled to their opinion..story die longgar..xde depth..byk mende xdevelop..juz touched on surface..bg gua all acting good, except performance from maya karin..nampak cam over la..stuju umi aida superb..n sofia exceptional oso..idea cite ni brilliant, but doesnt deliver..
yup..the part yang I tak boleh tahan was when ada tarian hindustan...apakah significant nye with the story...terangkat kening I kejap bila masa tu...
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