Last Saturday I masih mengalami cir bir but it was not as bad as Friday (my husband bought a medicine from pharmacy as the one that I took from the doctor was not working at all). I cuma cir bir 4 kali aje, pagi semalam sekali and today belum lagi. I hope it would go soon. That night (Saturday) when I took my bath I was so shocked to see that my stomach was full of this red rashes like ruam panas and mengerutu. I quickly took my bath and told my husband. And mula la I surfed internet nak tau apakah puncanya. Other part of my body tak ada except for kat stomach aje. Mula la I ingat I kena denggi la, ini la itu la, tiba-tiba rasa sesak nafas la, rasa macam nak pengsan la, ingat dah nak mati la, that it is going to be my last night in this world. Oh dear.. husband I sibuk la call Glenegales enquiry this and that… Mula-mula ingat nak pegi malam tu jugak but we decided to wait until tomorrow morning kalau rashes tak turun-turun. Sungguh dramatic kami laki bini nie. Then malam tu I tak dapat tidur sampai ke pagi. Macam-macam dalam pikiran. Kejap-kejap I check my perut, hati bedebar-debar la pulak kan.. adeeihh hai.. Kalau nak kata vicks, each time I kembung perut memang sapu ubat tu aje. We thought, it was either the medicine from the pharmacy or it could be the chicken soup that I made sebab makan panas-panas ke apa, but our strongest guess was the pills. Sebabkan selama nie makan chicken soup and letak vicks tak ada apa-apa pun..entahlah..
I was so happy and glad that Hazama won last night (macam la vote kan). He deserved it! It was worth the wait although it took him five years to do so. The final four was not his match. Beside, only a few aje penyanyi AF yang betul-betul berkualiti. I do hope dia tak tengelam like kebanyakkan juara AF before him. Alahai, cakap berapi-api, macam la I vote all this while. But I have to admit I did, err.. fall for the trap of voting them but only on 1st and 2nd AF. I repeat ONLY 1st and 2nd AF.
So this few days, I masak makanan macam kat hospital, which I cook style kukus, soup or goreng tapi langsung tak pedas. I hate it because it was tasteless but I have no choice. I makan pun tak banyak. Husband I beli roti lekat dinding and I cicah sekali je kat kuah dal and the rest of it I makan kosong je. But I memang serik, I tak nak lagi makan makanan yang ada cili padi ke api ke..no way. But semalam I masak sambal udang untuk husband I, I makan 3 ketul aje, itupun I asingkan sambalnya. Hari nie I tak ada mood and malas sangat nak masak but I have no choice, nak suruh husband I beli kat luar, I takut tersalah makan. So I masak ikan kukus masak kari, tapi tak pedas and I goreng mee hoon tanpa cili giling. I makan nasi putih sikit and mee hoon sikit, as for ikan, I asingkan kuah kari bila I nak makan. Kesiankan I. Husband I belasah dengan sepenuh hati..dia kata sedapnya tapi I kata I buat yang simple and resepi I hentam aje. Dia kata itu yang sedap. I lupa nak ambik gambar.
Like I said, hari nie I tak ada mood. Bukan la mood tak bagus, tapi just tak ada mood. Dalam tak ada mood tu, so far I dah basuh two round of baju-baju kat washing machine and habis semua newspaper I baca hari nie in between that sempat lagi I tengok movie kat HBO. Selalunya, it took me a week to finish reading all of it.
Speaking about reading, I just finished with “Cinta Sufi” by Ramlee Awang Murshid. I never thought that I would “fall in love” with malay novel and top of it baca sampai habis. If not because of Pump, Fiez and Rizz, I don’t think so that I would ever read one. From his novel Bagaikan Puteri, terus I cari Cinta Sang Ratu, Hijab Sang Pencinta, Cinta Sufi and now I just started reading his latest, Sutera Bidadari. All the above title is a kesinambungan from his Bagaikan Puteri. You should read all of his book starting from the first one (mengikut turutan) in order to understand the rest. Percayalah you would hook to it as much as I do and wanting to know more. But in between Sutera Bidadari, I baca jugak non-fiction/true crime (kira selang seli) as I don’t want to get bored by reading malay novel je kan.
So I guess, nie je dulu cerita boring I and thank you for spending your time reading my not so cool life hehe..
Note : I missssss going out and taking photograph...
Note : I missssss going out and taking photograph...
Hi sis..
are you ok? stil cir bir kah?
take care ye.
hi Zue,
Thanks for your concern.. hari nie dah much more better.. :)
Zue, boleh bagi your blog add tak? (kalau xmo xpe, malu ke segan ke sis paham hehehe..) Sebab sis try to click kat your name, link tak dapat (pecah rahsia hehe..)
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