(Pic from http://bit.ly/5D0tL1)
(Chef Novelli)
Base on the title above offcourse most of you dah tau, nie mesti pasal masakan isn’t it. Yes it is. I came upon this series when I was surfing as usual. So I decided let’ justs give it a try and I pun DL la tor nie. I dah tengok series nie sampai abis/ finale. They have all kind of character plus the yummy one.. ;p. Chef Novelli nie suka kenakan student dia but at the same time he is serious when it comes to food. I was captivated by his skill of cooking and apa-apa dia masak semua menjadi and nampak macam sedap aje. I terliur and teringin nak makan masakan dia everytime dia finished cooking up all the dishes. One thing, he make is so easy but yet it was somewhat classy and detail.

(Pic from http://bit.ly/5WCHJN)

(Pic from http://bit.ly/5WCHJN)
(With the students masak atas kapal)
Chef Novelli’s english memang bagus tapi pelat dengan French nya yang membuatkan sometime kelakar bila dengar. Series nie memang best sesangat. Antara adegan yang paling menarik part Chef Novelli suruh Emmanuel bertelanjang bulat dengan hanya memakai apron untuk surprise Tracie yang menang in one of the test. Apalagi si Tracie yang tua tapi miang tu ambik kesempatan raba montot Emmanuel. Sampai assistant Chef Novelli nie pun tak tahan dengan Emmanuel hehehe...
Like I said earlier berbagai bagai character student kat academy tu such as : Kyle Daley, 29 – a sous chef from San Diego (hidup penuh struggle masa kecik kecik dulu, left his house masa umur dia 14 tahun due to environment rumah yang teruk dan menang top student kat Chef Academy nie); Emmanuel DelCour, 27 - a graphic artist from Bordeaux, France (selalu datang lambat sampai kena warning, sentiasa blur tapi sungguh cool); Zoe Feigenbaum, 26 - a culinary school graduate from New York (very competitive, banyak cakap dan tidak disukai oleh a few students); Leonard Goodloe, 28 – Culinary school of Italy graduate from San Antonio (mamat cool berambut unique dan cuma fail sekali) ; Sarah Jacobsen, 29 – a wedding caterer from Wheeling IL (drama queen, pengampu dan paling I menyampah); Kyle Kupiszewski (a.k.a. Kup),– a Navy sub cook from Allentown, PA (muka sentiasa serious, (outspoken, susah nak senyum, serious all the time, a bit garang dan betul-betul jantan); Carissa Loughead, 26 – a former events planner who claims she “lost her job for this opportunity” from Charlotte (cute, kelakar dan sentiasa happy), NC; Tracie Norfleet, 46 – a TV commercial producer from Venice beach (tak ada skill dan masak kat rumah aje tapi selalu menjadi pilihan Chef Novelli), CA; Suzanne Winn, 46 – a housewife from Mission Viejo, CA (rupa dan rambut ala -ala Dolly Parton, kelakar, sentiasa bermake up tebal dan pakai hills, tak pernah siang ikan in her life, takut naik kapal tapi I suka dia and the only student yang fail - sian).
(Emmanuel DelCour si jejaka french, graphic artis yang juga pelakon porno nie, tak tau whether dia masih lagi beraksi atau tidak.. dia punya abs..yum yum hahha)
To know more details surf aja atas nama Chef Academy dan banyak la hit yang korang boleh jumpa.
Me : Namun begitu abs si gumukku itu tiada tandingannya hehe..
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