About two three months ago, while I was watching nothing in particular suddenly I saw, Claudia Schiffer, Naomi, Eva and three hot guys promote D&G perfume. I told my husband, kalau dah sampai sini I nak beli. I must have yang CS nie guna/promote. Then I lupa... but a few Fridays ago masa tengah bejalan-jalan tiba-tiba one salesgirl kat kedai perfume promote/approach me. I pun masuk, padahal tujuan I bukan nak beli perfume furthermore I dah banyak sangat perfume and banyak lagi belum bukak or pakai.
Sedang I smell a few sample of the perfumes, tiba-tiba I teringat advertisement pasal my favourite supermodel tu, I pun tanya ada tak perfume tu.. then salesgirl tu tunjuk kat I. Tanpa banyak pikir I kata kat husband I, I want this without even smell it first. Then salesgirl bagi I sampel bau...ahhh harum... I was so excited.. tapi I tak ingat nombor apa dia pakai but I main agak mesti D&G No. 18.
Balik rumah, I cepat-cepat check kat internet to see whether I have the right one and so here I am dibaluti bau D&G No. 18 dan membayangkan diri sehebat si gorgeous and the ever beautiful Claudia Schiffer.... love you love you love you Claudia Schiffer... :).
Me : Please note that, I tak taksub nor do I memuja-muja dia, apatah lagi sesama manusia nie. I just admire dia as someone that I look up as a stylish icon in a fashion world. And that she is so beautiful in my eyes walaupun unsur-unsur senja sudah makin mampir pada beliau and offcourse me hehe... Maklumla both seangkatan. Kalau ada yang nak kutuk kutuk dia go ahead je la, I don’t care because I’m not going to bermati-matian defend dia hahaha...
Sedang I smell a few sample of the perfumes, tiba-tiba I teringat advertisement pasal my favourite supermodel tu, I pun tanya ada tak perfume tu.. then salesgirl tu tunjuk kat I. Tanpa banyak pikir I kata kat husband I, I want this without even smell it first. Then salesgirl bagi I sampel bau...ahhh harum... I was so excited.. tapi I tak ingat nombor apa dia pakai but I main agak mesti D&G No. 18.
Balik rumah, I cepat-cepat check kat internet to see whether I have the right one and so here I am dibaluti bau D&G No. 18 dan membayangkan diri sehebat si gorgeous and the ever beautiful Claudia Schiffer.... love you love you love you Claudia Schiffer... :).
Me : Please note that, I tak taksub nor do I memuja-muja dia, apatah lagi sesama manusia nie. I just admire dia as someone that I look up as a stylish icon in a fashion world. And that she is so beautiful in my eyes walaupun unsur-unsur senja sudah makin mampir pada beliau and offcourse me hehe... Maklumla both seangkatan. Kalau ada yang nak kutuk kutuk dia go ahead je la, I don’t care because I’m not going to bermati-matian defend dia hahaha...
everytime i watched that commercial i thought of you!! i love how she walked .. so stylish! her backside takder la sexy mcm jLo but she looked stunning even from the back. best tak bau perfume ni?
oh roxy, you are my true friend and sistah hehehe... a'hah dia punya backside tak ada la seksi mana but I agree dia ada style :)
Sedap bau dia but towards the end bau dia hilang all of a sudden..pelik la...
i test smlm d&g rose the one. so nice..!!! no 18 i tak dpt test sbb dah habis.. no 1 kot.. yg laki punya tu .. sgt best bau dia :D
a'hah I agree yang rose tu pun sedap and sweet :)
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