(Dinner in KLM flight - KLIA - Schipol Amstredam. Pudding yang kuning tu tersangat la sedapnya..nak menangis masa I makan)
Haluuu.....Here I am....
Let me bore you first with my al kisah, as usual la kan…
My husband mula start hinting ajak pegi vacation a few months before that. I don’t take it seriously at first, knowing how he likes to blurting things about but not necessary carry out with it. After that, every now and then dia selalu mention nak ambik long holiday. I said, you kan kerja macam mana you nak cuti, albeit cuti panjangkan. Then dia kata dia nak cari kerja lain because company tempat dia kerja nak hantar all of them to china permanently, yes permanently. Tak mo la pegi situ, susah nak makan and you know negara yang banyak disaster nih. Kalau tinggal kat Hongkong tak pe la lagi but still we prefer to stay in our country beside we’re not as adventurous as before, ndak-ndak bila dah senior nie.
So husband I tendered his resignation letter and will start at a new company this coming February so he decided, this is the right time to go on a holiday. Sebelum tu both of us dah survey mana nak pegi and dah start beli a few things for the trip etc. Itu yang I cakap I busy sesangat, pegi sana sini cari this and that. That is why we bought a few gadget such as camera, view cam etc. As for DSLR to husband I memang dah lama nak belikan I, infact dari dulu lagi and since dah nak bejalan so memang timing sudah bagus.

(Breakfast in KLM flight KLIA - Schipol Amsterdam)
Anyway, back to my story, we then decided to go to London although we had been there a few times before. The first time was in 2003, we spent about 3 days, with the jetlag and everything so we don’t really have much time to explore around. That goes for the second time, which was in 2004, we only stayed there for like 2 days, lagi la tak ada masa sangat. On both occasion we went with a tour group. And the trip was part of Europe tour which include negara-negara Europe such as London, Paris, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Amsterdam. So you can imagine how tied schedule it was. And so now, both of us decided to concentrate and spend kat one or two country only and also not to tour in group anymore. For this trip is was just the two of us and we guess it is a good thing because we can go anywhere around and not have to worry about the schedule etc anymore.
On this trip we fly with KLM, why KLM? Memula nak guna MAS tapi harga ticket sungguh la mahalnya.. two person RM13 ribu..fuh. As for Air Asia, ticket aje dah RM8 ribu but tak termasuk airport tax, makan, luggage semua kena bayar asing, kedebak kedebuk campur semua dah jadi mahal. Furthermore, Air Asia landing kat airport Stansed, jauh not Heathrow. So husband I tanya nak KLM ke Bangkok Air. I kata kalau Bangkok Air nie tau je la a few months ago kecoh pasal demonstration etc. Kang tak pasal-pasal ada yang nak seek asylum kat London and tiba-tiba something happen kat dalam flight ke. Maybe in the future we will fly on Bangkok Air kot. So KLM la pilihanku. A week before depature, husband I dah request for halal food.

Sebelum nak pegi tu, tiba-tiba I kena darah gemuruh, asyik rasa nak buang air besar aje, tapi tak keluar pulak. Kejap-kejap kentut, so I guess this is what they say about “butterfly in the stomach”. Dalam hati I cakap, I hope this is not the last time I see the world. Yela, bejam-jam bergantungan kat langit, anything can happen. Around 8pm lepas sembahyang maghrib, taxi came to pick us up to the KLIA airport. Sampai-sampai je terus pegi kat counter to check in our luggage. Lepas check in luggage, I terus ajak husband I sembahyang Isya kat situ. I lupa nak keluarkan telekung I so I guna yang kat situ..Oh dear, bukan nak kutuk tapi nak kritik (err..ada beza ke?), the telekung was dirty, perasaan nak meloya, I buang jauh-jauh sebab takut tak dapat concentrate nak sembahyang. I geliiii..la… abis je, I cepat-cepat cuci muka and ber make up (kat rumah I tak make up sebab I memang nak sembahyang isya kat airport). Lepas sembahyang, terus cari apa nak makan. Memula pegi kat malay food and ambik mee hoon. Ala tak sedap, sebab mee hoon goreng tom yam. I makan sesudu terus tak lalu. Then pegi kat KFC, I makan seketul ayam je sebab muak la pulak kan. Lepas makan kejap terus masuk ke gate sebab dah kesuntukkan masa. Memang tak ada rest langsung.
At 11.45pm yesterday 15/1/11, kita orang bertolak dari KL ke Amstredam. It was a 13 hours flight. We were seated next to “atok omputih” yang kejap-kejap batuk.. We were so worried sebab takut terjangkit kat beliau. I pulak kejap-kejap nak kencing, atok pulak duduk kat tepi aisle. Nasib baik dia tak kisah, husband I ada tanya dia nak duduk kat dalam ke sebab yela, tangki I kan sentiasa penuh. Atok kata tak apa, dia memang nak duduk tepi, so nasib la kau atok dapat penumpang sebelah macam I. I pelik la kenapa orang lain tak bangun ke toilet, asyik-asyik muka I aje.
One thing, nak tidur kat dalam flight nie memang tak akan lena, kejap-kejap terbangun dengan atok yang mengejutkan I dengan batuknya. Seat pulak sempit, al maklum economy class…huhu… sampai tegeliat peha I. Husband I pulak risau takut dia bedengkur. I kata pedulikan orang bukan you yang saja-saja nak bedengkur. Dia siap tanya I bila tersedar dari tidur yang sekejap-sekejapan, I kata tak ada and I can hardly hear you.
The food was ok, I think sebab I kelaparan. Masa kat KLIA, food tak sedap and mahal. Lepas touch down kat Schipol airport kat Amstredam, both of us belari to catch up another KLM flight to London, which will departed in an hour time. So imagine, both of us belari, takut tak sempat. Punya la jauh dari gate ke gate, haus nak mampus I. Then terus masuk plane tak ada rest langsung (sama macam kat airport KLIA). It took 45 minutes for us to reach Heathrow airport. Sampai airport, fuh ramainya orang queue nak masuk London especially gang-gang Kanye West nih. We were kinda worried sebabkan we heard a lot of news about orang Malaysian yang kena tahan and hantar balik.. Then when I look at those around me yang lagi sememeh, I jadi tak risau.
Naik blackcab to our hotel - Holiday Inn, Regents Park. We reached around 10.00am but since orang tak keluar lagi, we can only check in at 12pm, nasib baik la dari check in 2pm. Sementara tunggu nak masuk, both of us bejalan-jalan ke Oxford Street which was a walking distance from the hotel. Tak ada la jauh sangat. Kedai-kedai kat situ masih tutup lagi tapi tourist dah betimbun bejalan merata-rata. Dalam bejalan-jalan, tiba-tiba kasut sketches I sudah uzur itu terkopak la pulak tapaknya. So terpaksa la cari kasut baru. Tapi I tak nak pakai sports shoes, yeah…makcik ini pilih boot la pulak.. reason? Sebab merata-rata I tengok orang pakai boot. I mana penah ada boot sebelum nie.
By the way, sekarang nie merata-rata sale.. wah..rambang mata…. Penat jangan cerita la…sangat penat, kelaparan and haus. Sementara tunggu kedai nak bukak, both of us minum and makan kat KFC kat situ, itupun I makan muffin and minum air hot chocolate. I and husband tak berani and tak nak order yang lain-lain sebab ada bacon…yickss… Kedai makan halal tak bukak lagi. Habis minum makan, we went back to the same place yang ada jual all kind of boots and tak bukak lagi.. Pukul 11am baru bukak..so beratur ka luar kejap. Bila bukak je, ramai ooo…orang menyerbu masuk.. I grab one that I bekenan.. Try-try size, size 3 baru muat, itupun I still kena pakai insole sebab besar…kalau kat KL I pakai size 5 ½.
Lepas tu both of us naik taxi je although it was near sebab dah tak larat, penat tak rehat lagi. The taxi lady was so nice and told us what are the thing we should do when in London etc. She gave us her number and we decided that we’re gonna use her service nanti.
Sampai hotel, nasib baik dah boleh check in at 12.pm..risau jugak I takut kena tunggu lagi. Lepas letak barang, both of us turun balik and beli a few drinks and buah dekat hotel nih… balik kat hotel I ambik gambar bilik sebelum bersepah then mandi, makan maggi in my mug…nasib baik ada bawak dari KL… lapar and very thirsty. Lepas makan, I tidurrrr…..
Bangun tidur, here I am, telling you where I am and what I’m doing… goodnite and goodmorning to you….It is still Sunday and 11.10pm in London right now (8GMT).
Note : Memula both of us book kt Berjaya Hotel in London but decided to cancelled it quickly after reading all the bad reviews. I surfed around and chose this hotel after I've read the review. And both of us puas hati sebab bilik bersih dan cantik but sangat kecik..kalau nak lalu kat kena begesel...
happy honeymoon,sis
err..ke just a vacation?
enjoy ur trip
thanks nakkal..
honeymoon vacation ler what else...tapi more like arguing hehehe...
jangan lupakan souvenir utk kami semua ye sis.. kataku dgn muka x malu.. wakakaka acah je sis..
enjoy your trip.. kataku meniru ayat abg bes.. keh keh
sronoknye jd pn claudia...
Gab : offcourse mana boleh lupa adik beradik sis nih hehehe...nama korang first in my souvenir list :).. thanks for wish..
Pump : lama I tak bejalan..balik nie sure bankcrupt hehe.
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