River Thames Cruise

After we purchased the Travel Card maka bermula la perjalanan mengunakan tube and mula-mula tu blur jugak sebab banyak sangat route but lama-lama we came to understand the route quite well...
We started with our journey to go to London Eye but when we reached there it was closed for maintenance so we tried the cruise and yes ada discount when we should our Travel Card, instead of paying for the normal GBP27.00 we only paid GBP14.00 each for a 1 1/2 hour ride.

After waiting for about 20 minutes the boat came but we were confused on which boat to ride on. Masa nak naik tu husband I tunjuk kat orang jaga depan boat tu and dia suruh naik je.
We realised that it was for 2 1/2 hours instead of the 1 1/2 hours that we paid for. Kiranya kita orang untung sebab bayar yang cruise lama tu. Boat 2 1/2 hours tu sampai ke Greenwich. Mula-mula ingat nak turun but bila tanya pekerja kat situ berapa lama nak sampai London, dia kata dalam one hour terus we all tak jadi nak keluar and masuk balik. Tapikan pada I pelayaran yang terlampau lama nie bosannya bosan dan buat sakit badan aje...maybe I dah berumur kot huhuhu... try nak tidur pun tak dapat. I dah la kelaparan. Nasib baik ada bawak bekal roti dengan jam/butter and also apple.

Tak abis-abis I ngomel kata bosan, husband I kata, it's ok. When the boat stop at the Tower of London, kita orang keluar dari situ sebab tak sanggup nak tunggu boat tu balik kat port asal. Husband I tanya nak masuk ke kat Tower of London but since both of us pernah ke situ dulu I tak nak. I was so hungry jam dah dekat pukul 3pm and lunch tak makan lagi.. nak mati.
So cari-cari makanan kat situ and thanks God ada KFC and HALAL lagi.. phew... terus la membelasah dengan sepenuh hati. Tapi I seperti biasa tak lalu makan banyak sebab makan ayam KFC nie cepat muak...pada I la kan.
Habis makan terus cari tube and as usual rasa macam nak pengsan jalan kat tempat terbuka dan tepi air yang sungguh menyejukkan itu. Naik tube, wah.. tersalah route pulak... it was going the opposite direction..It took us about an hour and a half nak sampai Great Portland Station... Hari yang sungguh memenatkan dan banyak membuang masa when we can go elsewhere....
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