Oxford Street
The reason why I lama tak update was because internet kat hotel nie tersangat la mahalnya. For 24 hours the access fee is GBP 15.32 (pound), equivalent to RM76.60 (GBP15.32 x 5). But disebabkan susahnya kalau tak ada internet so today we decided to ambik yang 7 days access GBP75.00 RM375.00). Lagipun, banyak I nak story and takut I lupa and I don't want the memory to be forgotten just like that. Yea yea, I can be sentimental sometime..err.. all the time. And yes, I know the access fee it was still expensive but we have no choice sebab kalau kat luar GBP1.00 for 1/2 hour, lepas tu takkan la nak berangkut laptop ke sana ke mari kan.. and still it is not worth it. Kalau nak bertenet kat free wi fi such as starbuck ke or coffee bean still not worth it sebab battery laptop bukannya boleh tahan lama. And on top of that kena la makan kat situ and you know how makanan barat nie is still not my taste. Sekali sekala boleh la, hari-hari tak tahan, lagipun I still tak paham until now apa la yang orang boleh makan kat tempat-tempat macam nie... and my question was always, kenyang ke?

(Makan kat Rasa Sayang kat Oxford St. Malaysian/Singaporean food and yang penting halal. I makan nasi ayam, husband I ambik nasi lemak, nasib baik sedap or maybe we're hungry tapi memang not bad)
So anyway, early in the morning we decided to go to Oxford Street again (semalam pegi kejap sebab nak tunggu masa checked in). It was only a walking distance from our hotel. It was drizzling and we quickly found one shop selling umbrella on the way there. When we reached the place, orang dah ramai and mostly tourist or should I say 99% of them were a tourist. Yela yang nak shopping nie tourist bukan londoner sebab they can go anytime they want. Even pekerja-pekerja or owner kat situ pun is a foreigner. As all of us know that orang dari negara EU nie boleh kerja anywhere within europe or the country yang ada member EU. They want to and they don't have to have any paper ke apa.. Like I said the other day, the sales was crazy, I mean betul-betul crazy even convert kat matawang kita. Rambang mata and I bought a lot of clothes and I was worried that akan terlebih muatan nanti, mampus la nak kena bayar lebihan bagasi.

Beside that I beli penjagaan kuku, exactly I have no intention at all nak beli pun but biasala kes terpengaruh but it was worth it sebab until today, kuku I masih berkilat-kilat and harga tak la mahal mana. I also bought Bodyshop toiletries, I know kat Malaysia kan ada...but the reason I beli was because, I tak suka guna sabun kat hotel sebab kecik and asyik nak terjatuh je and beside gel or shower foam dorang sekejap aje guna dah abis. So I beli la bodyshop nie, lagipun harga tesangat la murahnya even dah convert sekalipun. yang kotak kuning tu, kesemuanya sekali was GBP15.00 (RM75), kalau kat Malaysia jangan harap nak nak dapat harga macam tu. As for 3 shower cream tu, satu was GBP3.00 (RM15.00), murah kan? On top of that beli 2 shower cream tu dapat satu shower cream, so I cuma bayar GBP6.00 (RM30.00) untuk 3 shower cream...tak ke murah giler..yang sabun tu GBP2.00 (RM10.00).. But lepas nie I tak nak dah nak beli apa-apa because like I said, I was worried about the muatan bagasi, kang tak cukup duit nak bayar kat airport, mampus. Lagipun our main reason ke sini pun sebab nak sight seeing (yeah right!) and sudah pasti beli a few souvenirs for the love one...yea..termasuk you, Gab hehehe...
Note : Lega..boleh update my blog hari-hari kat sini...yeeehaaah....
oxford st
ramai gile time boxing day
tak boxing day pun ramaiiii..sgt nakkal... susah nak bejalan...
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