I was so busy with lots of stuff to do and go these past few days (macam familiar je ayat nih..macam ikut entry yang lepas-lepas je hehehe). Semalam I went to visit my school and ex teacher, so berborak-borak la seketika…mana ada seketika ada la dekat sejam dua. I ingat nak belajar balik la, nak buat design lain pulak. Nanti la I akan pikirkan. Then pegi rumah my MIL, main dengan cucu-cucu sedara sekali. Rasa macam nak gigit je tengok baby Rayyan and also Arina yang drama queen itu hehe… Hari nie I masak nasi lemak, memula husband I kata tak payah makan kat luar aje sebab I as usual lambat bangun tapi I kata tak apa, I masak tak lama lagipun fed up la hari-hari makan kat luar. Bukannya kenyang pun, lagipun I tengok berat badan I naik mendadak each time I makan kat luar nie..huhuhu… I know, I know tak abis-abis issue berat badan nie..apa nak buat I obsess sesangat part-part weight nie…not obess ok…
Talking about Ipad nih, after I’ve been using for more than a month, I highly recommend this to all of you… It is worth it, no wonder la Oprah pun gila sangat dengan benda alah nie. To me personally, I find that it is a must to my daily life. Pagi-pagi bukak mata aje, terus capai my Ipad and baca news, gossip etc. It was so easy to use tak payah nak tunggu lama-lama nak on plug la, nak masuk password la and nak tunggu it to be ready macam laptop or desktop (wah..macam si tanggang je I nie, macam peanut lupakan skin, padahal dulu hari-hari menatap laptop). But really, Ipad was so handy, on je and terus terpampang depan mata.

I yang dulunya tak mo download games konon, I la yang sekarang nie hari-hari main game kat situ, monopoly, asphalt, angry bird, scrabble (my personal fav), sudoku, word search, game card ahhh..banyk lagi la. Yea, I take my word back! Macam-macam game ada kat situ, you name it. Selain dari tu, I download website for recipe, siap gambar, ingredient and method..seronok la, it is more like a recipe book. I download pasal healthy food kononla kan.. macam la I tau baca calories kui kui kui. I download music/nature so that dapat membuai tidur I (I kan susah tidur malam?), I transfer movie to my Ipad so that I boleh tengok sorang-sorang and rasa personal. I download dicitionary, siap ada voice so that kita boleh pronouce exactly how it was said. I download another program untuk buku, so I ada dua sekarang nie..satu ibook and another one is 3D bookshelf. Kadang-kadang I belajar main piano (jangan tanya la pasal taugeh tu, I ikut je bila lampu nyala kat key haha…). I ada fish tank/ aquarium padahal kat rumah pun ada tapi gatal nak jugak ada kat Ipad.

(Alarm clock)
Selain dari tu you can download/install whatever/anything and everything you want, semua ada, you just name it.. you want education, business, medical, travel, entertainment (music, movies), finance, games, healthcare & fitness, lifestyle, navigation, news, photography, productivity, reference, social networking, sports, utilities and weather. In each of the categories ada beratus-ratus or beribu pilihan for you to download. I dah tak larat nak download yang lain-lain tu..tak tekejar. Banyak bende yang I discover and..I tak tau macam mana nak explain, you have to have it to know about it.

I checked that sekarang nie syarikat gadget berlumba-lumba mengekori Ipad such as Toshiba, Samsung, google, blackberry, Lenovo etc. I tengok yang google macam best aje.. oh Ipad Apple 2 is coming soon and this time with more fantastic feature with camera etc. In the near future, Ipad etc would be in everybody’s household or a common thing macam handphone and I’m very sure the price would be cheaper due to the competitiveness of the company which produce it.
Like I said, it is a must in my life and I can’t live without it (melampau la pulak kan..haha). I kepit merata I pegi kecuali bila I membuang sebab I tak mo aura mucuk menyerap hahaha..

Last but not least, kui kui kui....I download Playboy magazine for the month of January 2011 featuring akak Pamela A tak ada bugil-bugil maaa…. And the content/articles was so mengarut..tak apa-apa tah..pasal hefner and his whore silicone bunny’s story and pics!
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