The Celebrity Apprentice Season 9 is back... with more character and attitude. Biasa la female vs male. Nama female group Tenacity with Sharon Osborne - dia nie I tak berapa minat and I don’t care about her, tak tau la lama-lama lepas tengok series nie, itupun kalau tak kena buang awal-awal on which I don’t think so. Cyndi Lauper – I minat giler kat dia masa zaman dulu kala, sampai sekarang pun I masih minat lagi kat dia, dengan suara dan perangai macam ala-ala mak nenek dia tu. Masa kat boardroom last night, dia buat I gelak and tersengih-sengih sebab she is so innocent and say whatever in her heart. She’s rock! Summer Sanders – Tak kenal although she was a gold Olympic gold medal swimmer.. I don’t know what year. Holly Robinson Peete – Tak tau belakon cerita apa. Maria Kanellis – Don’t know her either – former WWE Diva. Selita Ebanks – Pun tak kenal although she’s one of the Victoria’s Secret Angel/Model, kulit cantik dan high cheekbone. Carol Leifer – Tak kenal – writer and a comedian.
Nama Male Group, Rocksolid with Bret Michaels – Rocker group Poision, I rock group 80’s nih tak berapa minat sangat as I lebih suka lagu dari british yang new wave into... oh those hair haha... Rod Blagojevich – former Illinois Governor, he was arrested on federal corruption charges and offcourse dia deny, ntahla tak kuasa nak tau pasal politic dorang nih. Darryl Strawberry – Tak kenal, baseball star. Sinbad – stand up comedian and actor, lama tak tengok dia nie muncul kat movie. Bill Goldberg – Actor Wrestler. Michael Johnson – Retired American sprinter and one of the fastest in the world. I think currently he is still holding the 400m and 4 x 400m relay. Yang 200m tu rasanya ada orang lain dah broke his record. Last but not least my darling chef Curtis Stone – Celebrity Chef, Australia mari. I suka program take home chef and cara masakan dia. Simple, healthy and yet look delicious. Ditambah dengan ketampanan beliau ituuu... buat I senyum-senyum sorang.
The first one yang kena fired was Carol Leifer. I rasakan tak patut dia kena buang or sesiapa kena buang dulu sebab belum nampak lagi kelemahan and creativity dorang nie because kan on that task everybody was working hard and help each other out. I think the second task/episode baru la kena fired, isn’t it?
Nama Male Group, Rocksolid with Bret Michaels – Rocker group Poision, I rock group 80’s nih tak berapa minat sangat as I lebih suka lagu dari british yang new wave into... oh those hair haha... Rod Blagojevich – former Illinois Governor, he was arrested on federal corruption charges and offcourse dia deny, ntahla tak kuasa nak tau pasal politic dorang nih. Darryl Strawberry – Tak kenal, baseball star. Sinbad – stand up comedian and actor, lama tak tengok dia nie muncul kat movie. Bill Goldberg – Actor Wrestler. Michael Johnson – Retired American sprinter and one of the fastest in the world. I think currently he is still holding the 400m and 4 x 400m relay. Yang 200m tu rasanya ada orang lain dah broke his record. Last but not least my darling chef Curtis Stone – Celebrity Chef, Australia mari. I suka program take home chef and cara masakan dia. Simple, healthy and yet look delicious. Ditambah dengan ketampanan beliau ituuu... buat I senyum-senyum sorang.
The first one yang kena fired was Carol Leifer. I rasakan tak patut dia kena buang or sesiapa kena buang dulu sebab belum nampak lagi kelemahan and creativity dorang nie because kan on that task everybody was working hard and help each other out. I think the second task/episode baru la kena fired, isn’t it?
For this one I belum ada ayam tambatan lagi (same as ANTM 14), tengok la nanti. But I do hope Curtis or Bret tak kena buang awal-awal but then again, we will never know.
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