Emirates Stadium (Arsenal)
Today I guess was one of the happiest day in my husband life or maybe the happiest day in his entire life for today we went to Emirates Stadium (Arsenal). We went there by taxi. The moment husband I nampak stadium nan indah itu tersergam di depan mata beliau I know that he barely couldn’t contend his excitement. Emirates Stadium yang selalu dia tengok kat tv and sanggup bangun pukul 2 or 3 in the morning just to see his favourite’s team played merupakan saat yang dia nanti-nantikan selama ini. Sampai kat situ we went straight away to the merchandise shop selling Arsenal stuff and husband I sibuk nak beli macam macam. I told him not to buy first and let’s go for a tour. We went to the match box and buy the ticket which cost about GBP35.00 each and we were given a door gifts too.

(View dari Director's Chair or first class seat..harga/ticket seat cost about beribu-ribu)
(Padang sentiasa dijaga dengan rapi before and after the game)

Tour start at 12pm and berbagai-bagai bangsa that we can see on our tour. Dari orang tua ke yang kecik dalam stroller pun ada, siap mak bapak dorang pakaikan baju and scarf Arsenal lagi. Ada budak pakai baju footballer la etc. Gang P Diddy ada and sorang minah jepun pun ada jugak. Die hard fan tu sanggup bejalan sorang-sorang. Dia mintak I ambikkan gambar dia, sian dia sebab sorang-sorang kan. Husband I jangan cerita la, kejap-kejap I ambik gambar dia merata-rata… seronok tak terkata dia. I can see how he proud he was walking around the stadium and listening to the ex Arsenal player bagi penerangan kat situ. Tak habis-habis husband I puji-puji stadium and etc. I yang tak kisah pasal team-team or bola nie pun jadi excited tengok dia excited. It brought tears to my eyes to see that his long last dream came true. Watching your love one having the time of his life are the best feeling that I can’t describe. Kejap-kejap I tengok dia senyum-senyum sorang. I wish masa tu Arsene Wenger or any of the player datang, I pasti husband I akan terkejang bisu atau jatuh pengsan.

Tour was so much fun and the ex Arsenal host nie kelakar giler…hehehe.. we were taken to all the place that the player were. Husband I apa lagi, ahh..and uhhh… Habis tour sibuk nak ke kedai merchandise shop tu. Semua benda dia nak beli, he was like a boy in a candy shop. Dia suruh I ambik jersey tapi I pilih yang macam polo shirt. I pilih yang size besar sebab satu, takut tak cukup and dua I tak nak pakai yang sempit-sempit dalam usia yang dah begini..huhu… He bought lots of stuff for himself and for the cucus too.. Lepas abis membelanjakan duit pada Arsenal kelab yang memang sudah kaya raya itu kita orang pun balik.
(Time capsule - The deeper the foundations the stronger the fortress)

Masa nak tunggu cab, punya la lama sebab kat kawasan kampong. Dah la sejuk I rasa tulang rahang I beku and hidung I kebas. Pipi I rasa macam ais. About ½ hour later ada satu cab lalu and both of us tahan tapi dia angkat tangan and terus berlalu. Both of us plan nak naik tube aje but tak lama kemudian, taxi driver to datang and suruh tunggu sebab dia nak tukar barang kat Arsenal punya merchandise shop tu. Dia kata kalau ada taxi lain datang terus naik aje. Bila dia keluar balik, both of us masih ada lagi kat situ and terus naik kat dia.

(I duduk dekat kerusi tempat Arsene Wenger "The Boss" duduk)
(Physio Room)
Turn out dia pun penyokong Arsenal, apalagi rancak la berborak. Sampai hotel, hantar barang and terus ke La Menara, Moroccon cuisine yang pegi aritu. I order bende yang sama macam aritu except this time I ambik ayam aje but husband I order tangy ke apa tu..yang macam tudung saji tapi dari tanah liat…wah sedap giler…next time I akan order menu tu la. I tak ambik gambar, camera tak bawak sebab tujuan nak makan je. Next time kalau I order menu tu I akan snappy snappy. Oh the mint tea is very nice and refreshing… rasa macam minum colgate pun ada because of the mint.

(Arsenal's merchandise shop)
Overall, by far today was the best time ever for us ever since we came here and the most important thing my husband wish were fullfill…
Note : You know what? All my life I never saw my husband love and obsess something so much other than the Arsenal Club.
jelesssss tahap gabannnn
hehehe...best ooo...
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