Oh..masa I sibuk menjahit seluar husband I, my ex colleague called me up out of the blue. I dah agak, kalau somebody yang tak berapa rapat and tak pernah-pernah contact kita and suddenly call kita mesti ada something. And yeah, my guess is right... Mula-mula tu dia kata, dia check-check phone and nampak ada nama I and terus rasa nak call (yeah sure, the old tactic nye alasan). Then tanya-tanya how am I, apa buat skrg, bla bla... lepas bertukar-tukar info and dia bagitau dia ada buat business jual cosmetic, health products... (ding ding ding)... After that dia kata ok la, bye (haha..yeah right). I tanya product apa, then start la dia brok bek brok brek buat promosi kat I. Suruh I datang office and let me know pasal ada class percuma etc. I think she has the good intention nak share-share especially health health nie kan... which is good. Then I kata, ok tengok nanti, kalau I free, I datang. Lepas aje I end the conversation terus dia sms bagi I nama product and the website (I belum check lagi), I reply kata thanks and again said that, I will let her know if I nak datang. Then another sms meyusul, I balas lagi I kata I will let her know if there’s anything, then dia sms lagi, I dengar tapi macam lupa sebab I tengah sibuk menjahit. Then another sms masuk lagi, dari dia jugak, baru la I teringat, I tak reply sms dia yang before that, I balas and I cakap I will let her know. Man, she is so aggressive. Which is still good, that shows how passion she is towards the things that she believe in but it can be nuisance at time.
My advice to those yang berjinak-jinak dalam business, tak kira la business apa, first and foremost jangan contact orang yang you lama tak contact and tiba-tiba nak berbaik dengan orang tu and then terus bertubi-tubi you nak promote barangan you. Secondly, kalau tau siang-siang nak buat business ke apa ke (in her case, she told me, dia memang dah plan dari dulu), cuba-cuba la building repo yang baik punya dari awal awal lagi dengan sesiapa yang you think will benefit you in the future. Thirdly, kalau you pernah rude dengan orang, orang akan ingat. In my case, dia pernah sms I but didn’t leave her name, so I tak tau siapa, I reply dengan baik- baik siap kata sorry and tanya siapa nie, then dia reply kata its her and terus kata bye. To me that is so not polite at all. Fourthly, don’t continously sms that person for like 3 or 4 times berturut-turut at the same time and show how desperate you are (even if you’re not) and if you keep on pushing, orang yang interested pun jadi tak interested and fifthly (ada ke perkataan nie?), kalau orang dah cakap, they will let you know for a few times, that’s mean she or he just want to end the conversation or tolak you in a nice way. Ada paham?
My advice to those yang berjinak-jinak dalam business, tak kira la business apa, first and foremost jangan contact orang yang you lama tak contact and tiba-tiba nak berbaik dengan orang tu and then terus bertubi-tubi you nak promote barangan you. Secondly, kalau tau siang-siang nak buat business ke apa ke (in her case, she told me, dia memang dah plan dari dulu), cuba-cuba la building repo yang baik punya dari awal awal lagi dengan sesiapa yang you think will benefit you in the future. Thirdly, kalau you pernah rude dengan orang, orang akan ingat. In my case, dia pernah sms I but didn’t leave her name, so I tak tau siapa, I reply dengan baik- baik siap kata sorry and tanya siapa nie, then dia reply kata its her and terus kata bye. To me that is so not polite at all. Fourthly, don’t continously sms that person for like 3 or 4 times berturut-turut at the same time and show how desperate you are (even if you’re not) and if you keep on pushing, orang yang interested pun jadi tak interested and fifthly (ada ke perkataan nie?), kalau orang dah cakap, they will let you know for a few times, that’s mean she or he just want to end the conversation or tolak you in a nice way. Ada paham?
kdg2 susah nk buat org paham ni.
kekadang maybe paham tp buat2 xpaham.
as for me, i hate receiving sms yg bertubi2 once i tak/tak sempat/lupa nk reply the previous sms.
x boleh ke pk org tu tgh ada keja ke... bz ke.. xsihat ke.. or even malas nk layan ke. kalo keep on sending the sms bila skali xde reply.. it shows how u try to 'push' others... which is kalo sy kena.. mmg trus on the spot meluat.
nk2 yg xkenal rapat.
even yg kenal rapat pun kalo duk sms bertubi2 pun kita leh meluat (well kdg2 ada yg claim rapat ngan kita and kita anggap leh paham, tp kekadag cam xpaham.)
apetah lg yg xrapat kan..
but back to some criteria to be practiced by those yg berbisnes ni .. cubalah MEMAHAMI KEADAAN ORG, TRY TO BE AS POLITE AS U CAN (kalo xtau, belajar), dan JGN SEKALI2 MEMAKSA. coz manade manusia yg suka dipaksa. even dia sendiri suka ke org paksa2 beli itu ini kalo once dia dh ckp akan kasi feedback some other time.
Yes, betul tu vagg.. learn and try to put on the other party punya shoes, baru tau macam mana rasa kan... Asyik nak paksa-paksa menjual la itu la ini la, ikut pala dia tanpa memikirkan orang lain punya perasaan or keadaan... geram betul sis kekadang nih.
Nasib baik kena kat sis yang malas nak berkontroversi and still holding on the traditional value...cewah... walau aku singa tapi aku masih berbudi bahasa... raawwrrrrr.....
ish...buhsan org cam tuh kan sis.... cam nih punya org...klu kita dah tergerak hati nak p intai2 produk dia pun terus meluat...menyampah..okey. Fiez pernah gak kenal ngan org yg mcm nih..bila x reply msg dia, bertubi2 lak antaq msg.. akhirnya ku masukkan no dia lam black list.. ha amik padan muka...
itula fiez, tak paham-paham, aggresive giler...bagus la aggresive tapi bertempat la...
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